chapter 9

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Akira's p.o.v

"Man, this place is as creepy as always" said ryuji once we gotten inside. "Really? I thought it was cold" said [m/n] tilting his head to the side while his finger poked his cheek. He looked cute while doing that, I must say.

"Mm-hm. Now, make sure you do exactly as I say, all right?" Said morgana as [m/n] nodded his head and morgana ran out of the room and into the hallway. "Follow me" he said before running after him. We ran down the hallway until we came to entrance from yesterday.

"Hey...we went by here when we came into the front" said ryuji before a flash came in front of us that showed that this was the main entrance. [M/n] looked around a bit before focusing his attention on ryuji as he started talking. "I was see'in double or something just now...was that shujin!?" He said.

Morgana turned around. "I've told you before. This place is your school" he said. "Regardless, we don't have the time to stand around. Who knows when a shadow might show up" he said before running across the room. "C'mon, this way" said morgana as we continued to follow the walking cat.

He led us to the dungeon we were in yesterday as I could hear some distant screaming. Probably from the captives here. We walked around some more until we had to hide because we found a guard walking around. "Darn...I had a feeling there would be guards here" whispered morgana as he stood next to a sitting ryuji.

"It looks like we won't be able to avoid conflict from this point forward" he said. "F-for real?" Asked ryuji, sounding scared. "Oh well. I'll just teach you the basics of battles right now. You two had better remember all of this" morgana whispered as   [m/n] nodded his head.

"As a rule of thumb, try to ambush as many enemies as you can. Attack them from behind whenever possible" he said as I took in the information before nodding my head showing that I understand. "You'll need to rip off their masks to momentarily break the control the palace ruler has over them. If you succeed, the enemy will be caught off guard, allowing us to jump in for a perspective attack" he explained.

"So we wanna ambush 'em and go for the first strike....all right I got it" said ryuji as I got confused. 'Is he going to fight with us?' I questioned myself. "Uh, you know you're just going to be watching right? You can't use a persona" said morgana. "But [m/n] gets to fight and he doesn't have a persona" ryuji said.

"He has a weapon that can hurt shadows so he is allowed to fight" morgana said. "Anyway, let's go" he said as I ran and hid behind wooden creates until I got near enough to the shadow. I jumped up and landed on the enemy's shoulders and tore off his mask as everyone ran and prepared for battle.

Your p.o.v

"All right! The first move is our's!" yelled morgana. 'Let's kick some ass bitch!' Yelled kuro as I chuckled. The shadow in front of us morphed into what looked like a jackle lantern with a witches hat. Akira was the first one to move, he ran forward and attacked it with a knife sharp knife. I ran forward as soon as akira attacked and sliced it in half while finishing it off.

While it disappeared it dropped some money as akira picked it up and placed it in his pocket.  'How does a shadow have money?' Asked shiro as I mentally shrugged and ran next to akira as he ran down the cells and towards the drawbridge going across the river that was next to us.

Ryuji suddenly spoke up. "Why ain't anyone here?" He asked as he walked towards one of the empty cells. "Dammit, they were here before! Where'd they go!?" He exclaimed.  "Quiet down"morgana whispered harshly. Ignoring morgana ryuji said "Oh yeah, there were more of 'em further in too" before running off. "Ryuji!" I exclaimed while keeping my voice down. 'He's gonna get himself killed if he does that' said shiro worryingly. 'I know' I sighed.

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