chapter 20:suicide!?

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Your p.o.v

I quickly ran down the stairs with morgana in my bag. He yelled complaints and questions but I didn't hear him because everyone in my head started to argue and yell. It was chaos in my head. It feels like it's about to split open. 'SHUT UP!' I yelled and immediately everyone became quiet.

I walked out of the entrance and saw me sister leaning on her bike with a book in her hand. I walked down the stairs and greeted her with a smile. She looked at me concerned. "Are you alright brother?" She asked me and cupped both of my cheeks into her hands.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. "Your quite pale. And your balance is slightly off. Is kuro and shiro giving you a hard time?" She asked me. I took her hands away from my face. "No they're not. I'm just tired" I said. Alex nodded her head, unsure. "Well let's go home then" she said as I grabbed my helmet and placed it on then climbed behind Alex as she drove away from school.

After we got home I immediately went upstairs, not bothering to say hello to mom. I was just tired over today's events. I placed my bag down on the floor and took off my blazer then flopped onto the bed. So tired... I slowly closed my eyes and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Morgana's p.o.v

I climbed out of the cramped bag and was about to yell at [m/n] before I saw him sleeping. I shook my head and jumped onto the bed next to him, head flooding with unanswered questions. Did [m/n] really kill someone? And if so, who? [m/n] is so full of surprises. I sighed again and lied down near his head.

Might as well skip dinner this time. I stretched before falling asleep near [m/n]'s head.

The next morning:

I woke up from movement. I saw [m/n] getting up and going into the bathroom. Probably to get ready. I stretched and yawned before jumping off the bed.

Your p.o.v

As I placed on new clothes my thoughts went to yesterday. Why did I say it? I didn't mean to but it just... came out. *sigh*. Now things will be awkward between us. This is really bad. I sighed and brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom and picking up my bag.

"Let's go morgana" I said as he followed me quietly. After breakfast Alex drove us to school and I entered it before walking to class. Classes went normally that is, until ryuji decided to message me and akira in the middle of class.

'Can't he wait until were done with class first?' I irritatingly said to myself. 'I'm bored so ryuji can message us whenever he wants to' shrugged Alistair. 'Shut it' I said and looked at my phone from under the desk.

Ryuji: It's no use...I can't think of any other way..

Akira: Are you cutting class?

Me: Exactly what I am thinking

Ryuji: I can't deal with that shit right now. I mean, what're we gonna do about kamoshida?

Me: I'll let akira decide

Ryuji: But do we have to go along with what that cat says?

Ryuji: Urgh, that damn furball..

Me: Don't call him a furball. That's rude

I placed my phone back into my pocket. "If only he knew that I'm reading this too..." morgana said. "Keep it down or else we'll be in big trouble" I whispered. Before I realized it a student jumped from his chair and yelled. "Hey...What's that!?" He yelled, shocked. I stood up as well and looked towards where the other student is looking.

I widened my eyes in shock.

"Enough! This is a classroom!" Yelled the teacher. "Someone's trying to commit suicide you twat!" I yelled and ran out of the classroom before anyone could stop me. 'Why?! Why does this have to happen!?' I yelled. 'Hurry! Or we can't get to her!' Yelled shiro. I just got outside but I was already too late. Shiho was lying on the ground, unconscious.

I couldn't move. All I could do was stare with shocked eyes. Nonononononono! My hair covered my eyes. I could hear screaming in the background but I was to absorbed in my head to notice.

Before I even realized it I swayed side to side until my vision went black.


I was around 12 when it happened...

Me and my sister were just walking home back in our home town. I was holding her hand as she carried shopping bags. We talked about what was for dinner tonight. It was a nice conversation...that is until a van stopped near us.

Men in black suits came out of it. It scared me. So I clutched my sister's hand tighter, afraid that I would lose her. One of the men walked up towards us. I couldn't understand what they were saying because I was too scared.

Then the next thing I knew was that me and my sister was thrown into the car and everything went black. The last thought that went through me was. 'I don't want sister to get hurt'


Akira's p.o.v

[M/n] running out of the classroom surprised me. He even left morgana. I took my bag then [m/n]'s and ran towards the window. I saw [m/n] outside, standing in front of shiho's unconscious body and I widened my eyes as soon as [m/n] passed out. When I got outside a girl with [h/c] shoulder length hair was standing there on the phone with worried and scared [e/c] eyes.

Ann was yelling shiho's name. The paramedics were loading shiho into the van. A teacher was carrying [m/n] inside. Then girl with the short hair ran after the teacher into the school. She reminds of someone...I'm pretty sure that [m/n] had a older sister.

Alex's p.o.v

I quickly ran into the school after my little brother. As soon as I heard that [m/n] passed out I quickly rushed over here. The teacher placed [m/n] onto one of the white beds before walking away like nothing happened. Damn adult. I hope you rot in hell. Sorry for my language but I always knew that it was a bad idea to send [m/n] to this school.

Now bad memories are going to resurface now. I sat down on one of the chairs next to the bed and held [m/n]'s hand tightly.

After to what seemed like hours of waiting [m/n] fluttered his eyes open and looked at the ceiling with a calm expression before sitting up straight with a panicked look. "Shiho! She jumped! Is she okay!? Is sh-" he paused midway before looking at me. "Alex? What are you doing here?" He asked me. I just smiled. It's good to see that nothing mentally bad happened to him.

"She's alright. She's in the hospital" I answered. He looked around for a bit before looking at me. "Hey, Alex, where's my bag?" He asked. Wait a minute. Where is his bag? I looked around the room for any sign of it.

"I actually don't know" I said. [M/n] sweat dropped before walking out of the infirmary. "[M/n]!" I yelled and ran after him. Since the students were forced to go to classes forcefully nobody was in the hallways.

I continued to run after him until he suddenly stopped in front of a door and looking at it. I walked towards him and was about to ask him what's going on until he placed his finger towards his lips and pointing towards the door.

I'm not the one to eavesdrop but...I leaned on the door and placed my ear on it, [m/n] doing the same. I could hear arguing and shouting from the other side. There were about four voices. One of them I recognized right away. Is that akira? Wasn't he suppose to be back in that town? I kept on listening until it all quieted down.

Then as soon as it went quiet I could hear footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly grabbed my brother's hand and pulled him away just in time as the door opened.

Your p.o.v

I heard the conversation loud and clear. It really pissed me off. That twat, brain dead Kamoshida decided to expel mashima, akira and ryuji without a fuckin damn reason! 'Damn that turd to hell!' Yelled Kuro. 'Why didn't you let me kill him [m/n]!?' Yelled Alistair. 'I really, really want to decapitate his arms and legs then keep him alive for a while before torturing him' said shiro, which surprised me a lot.

They all turned to look at me and Alex. "Rooftop. Now" I muttered before storming off.

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