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[India's POV ] - not edited

I waved goodbye to my friends and thanked them for such a great night and that I'd see them soon, before heading off to talk to my brother. He's standing next to Geoff where I left him, talking about who knows what. Geoff had said that he'd accompany me to Shawn's dressing room backstage so that Shawn and I could talk. I stand next to Noah, putting an arm around his shoulder, standing on my tippy-toes because I'm not quite at his height, yet.

"Hey lil' sis, I'll see you in a bit okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't do, be responsible and I love you Bear! Remember that!" He says making me roll my eyes at him yet again, "Don't roll your eyes at me missy, they'll get stuck like that!"

"Whatever..." I reply, hugging him.

"Look after her Geoff, I know you will." He nods at Geoff in appreciation and lets go of me. "Bye!" He finishes and leaves us by walking around the corner until we can't see him anymore.

"Well we should get going, Shawn will be wanting to see you." Geoff says, smiling down at me. Honestly, I feel like a miget when I'm around Shawn and his crew, they're all so tall. It's not like I'm even that small but I'm tiny when compared to them.

We walk around a few corners, left then right, to be honest I lost count of how many we took until we came to the last corridor. It was lined with multiple doors with signs on and one of them had Shawn's name on it.

Suddenly there's a ping and Geoff pulls out his phone, "Shawn said he'd just be a few minutes so to just wait inside and get comfortable. I need to go find the rest of the crew so I'll see you later India!" Geoff tells me while opening the dressing room door.

"Geoff?" I ask.

"Yes...?" He's says drawling out his answer just like I had.

"Can I give you a hug?"

"I guess so...why?"

"It's just you've been so nice to me and accepted me into your little group without really knowing me and I just appreciate how you've treated me, so thank you I guess."

"Come here." He says. So I walk over to him and he gives me a hug, and ruffles my hair.
I'm about to let go when he says, "Wait... let's take picture!"

"Okay!" I reply in suspicion.

He then opens SnapChat, opens the camera then takes the picture.

He captions it: 'Mr steal yo girl!" and sends it to Shawn making me giggle. What is is with people trying to set Shawn and me up? Do people not realise that it's never going to happen, he'll never reciprocate whatever I'm feeling towards him.

"You're just like my brother you know, with all the sarcastic comments, ruffling of the hair and trying to embarrass me."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"

"You'll have to figure that out on your own I'm afraid!" I tell him as I open the door to the dressing room. I then walk into it and close it behind me leaving him stranded in the corridor to contemplate what I'd just told him.

Shawn's dressing room is really cool, full of posters and more musical instruments than a music shop; can I please live in here! As I'm surviving the different types of guitars I notice a ukulele and decide to pick it up. I spot a bowl of guitar picks near by and take a brown leather one out of it.

I move over and sit on the nearest stool I could find, propping my left knee up and resting the ukulele on it. I begin to strum the chords to 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley, one of the only songs that can make my eyes flood with tears until they overspill like a waterfall.

on the plane ride home [ Shawn Mendes fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now