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Authors notes: Let me know on your thoughts on the chapter and remembered vote :)

[India's POV ] - not edited

Over the past few days Shawn and I have been visiting my brother in hospital. Unsurprisingly, Noah and Shawn seem to have really hit it off. Obviously they knew each other before this meeting but it was only now that they'd really gotten to know each other.

Every time we went Shawn would repeat how alike Noah and I were and although I'd often deny it due to Noah's incredible stupidity and lapses of judgement at times, I couldn't deny that inside I could see what Shawn was getting at. My brother was me in male form.

For example, right now, Noah is trying to persuade me to let him have a wheelchair race down the corridor. He has a broken leg. How stupid can he get? Sometimes I wonder if we're related or if he was adopted into our family because who in their right mind would think that having a wheelchair race down a hospital corridor would be a good idea, with a broken leg might I add once again.

"No Noah! I have told you more than once, do I have to tell you again? Or do you want to hear it in Spanish, 'NO'!" I tell Noah once again.

"Calm down sis!" He tells me, he really has the audacity to do that, "Is that smoke I see coming out fo your ears?" He adds and it is in that moment that Noah has decided his fate of being buried six feet under.

As I lunge to attack my idiotic brother I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, bringing my body into their chest: Shawn. I love Shawn but seriously he needs to let me go right now.

"Shawn..." I growl.

"Yes hunny?" He teases and I feel like swiping that gorgeous smirk off of his face, it's true I can't see him but I know when my boy's smirking.

"Don't you Hun me!" I say, now facing him head on. He decides to continue smirking down at me.

"I'm just trying to protect my future brother-in-law..." He whispers lowly into my ear making my cheeks flame red.

"No PDA people, spare my virgin eyes!" My brother yells, covering his eyes.

Turnin to him I remind him, "I'm pretty sure you're not a virgin, I am way more a virgin then you!" Wow, this seems to be getting competitive, brother and sister problems.

"Whatever!" Is his sheepish response and it's then that I realise he's hiding something.

"You're a virgin aren't you bro?!" I exclaim.

"So what if I am?" He throws back like a five year old with his arms crossed against his chest.

"I have nothin against it, You're just waiting for someone special, it's a good thing."

"Here comes my sappy sister once again!" He cooes in my direction.

"Shut it virgin!" I remark in a jokey tone.

"Okay, okay! Calm it down you two, I can't have my girlfriend damage her brother even more than he is now, so maybe we should go?" Shawn questions while chuckling lightly.

"You're probably right, your girlfriend does not want to have to go to jail."

"Thanks for the love sis!"

"It's okay!"



"So... where should we go now that we're free of my idiotic brother?" I ask as Shawn and I walk out of the hospital swinging our untwined hands back and fourth.

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