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[India's POV ] - not edited

The car ride to the place where the photoshoot is being held isn't to long, maybe 20-30 minutes but it felt much shorter. The group of us were engaged in deep conversation about how to pronounce 'OREO' and why tomatoes tasted good or not. Let me tell you, it was a conversation that lasted a lot longer then it needed to. If I'm totally honest I don't even know how we got onto the topic but we somehow did. And I got very invested into the topic after that.

"It's OR-EO, not O-REO you stupid Canadian." I mock insulted Shawn, defending my OREO honour.

"You've got to be kidding me India! It's 100% O-REO, not OR-EO." Shawn retorted.

"It's true what they say, Canadians are impossible." I sigh.

"Who even says that?"

"Someone somewhere."

"Oh I'm sure they do."

"Thank you for agreeing with me!" I sigh once again in aspiration.

"I wasn't agreeing with you Hun."

"Mmh but you kind of did..."

"Whatever!" He said in defeat, turning so he wasn't facing me, what a baby.

"Aww! Is Shawnie mad I won."

He says nothing but what I can hear are two muffled laughs from in front of me trying to be kept contained but failing miserably. In no more then 5 seconds of me turning to look at Noah and Geoff had their hidden laughs turned into full on howling.

"What?" Shawn and me say at the same time.

"Just you two..." Geoff says and then Noah continues, "You sound like an old married couple or a bunch of junior school kids, with all your flirting hidden by annoyance of the other. Please remind me why you aren't dating yet?"

If looks could kill my brother would be six feet under now. It's like he's trying to get me back for saying I'm going to tell Bree about his little, sorry big, crush on her. Except the hints I was going to give were subtle but his were all up in your face. It doesn't surprise me though, Noah's never been great in the subtlety department.

My brother is just sending me an obnoxious smirk which dies as soon as I glare at him, while Geoff is grinning directly in Shawn's direction. His cheeks are covered in a slight blush from the comment and it gives me a bit of hope that he might just feel the same emotions I feel towards him. I have no doubt my cheeks look like replicas of his, how embarrassing.

"I could say the same for you and Bree!" I retort, now Noah's cheeks are just like Shawn's and mine. Geoff is the only one who doesn't look like a tomato and speaking of tomatoes...

"On another note... Shawn, how can you not like tomatoes?"

"Let's not get started not tomatoes..." Geoff says sighing, obviously having enough of our childish banter.

"We're here guys!" John calls form the front of the car.

"Thank God!" Geoff yells, praising that he doesn't have to hear us playfully bicker anymore. Both Shawn and me give him a distinct eye roll for what he said but he just ignored us. Geoff was out of the car quicker than you could say, 'tomato'. He was then followed by Noah, then Shawn and last but not least moi.

The room where the photoshoot was being held was a spacious penthouse type place. It was definitely a photographers place, you could tell. It had decorative lights hanging from the ceiling, white backdrops for shoots and rows upon rows of cameras. If you couldn't tell this then you must be an idiot. Was that to harsh? Or maybe just the truth.

on the plane ride home [ Shawn Mendes fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now