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Authors notes: So this whole chapter is in Shawn's POV unlike the rest where you just get sneak peaks of what he thinks, so I ant to know if you enjoy seeing his side of the story and if I should include his POV more often! Tysm for reading, I can't wait to hear your reactions :)

[Shawn's POV ] - not edited

Being in Amsterdam with India felt so natural. When I kissed her I just didn't want to let go. I promised myself that I wasn't going to let a girl suffer due to my career, no matter how much she loved me. I felt that I would be hurting her and that would only hurt me more. I promised this myself this at the age of 15 when my career hit off but I can't do that anymore. I can't wait.

Letting India go was not an option. If I let her go it would just hurt me even more. Not being able to be the one that makes her smile or laugh, I can't even think about it, the feeling hurts to much. This is the girl that I want to risk it all for, I don't care anymore. I can't not be with her.

All these thoughts are spinning around my mind as I pull away from her intoxicating kiss. I liked how she was getting much more confident with me, starting to initiate the kisses now. It surprised me at first if I'm honest when she firstly did it but it was a good surprise, a very good one.

I look down at her from my spot in front of her bike and she just smiles a sheepish smile at me, a light crimson colour dancing along her tanned cheeks. It's funny to see how she can be both cocky and full of sass one moment and then in the next so shy, but I like it about her. I cup her cheeks in my overly large hands that manage to nearly engulf her whole face and lean down to kiss her forehead. My lips linger for a moment on her head, giving me just a second to savour this moment.

I'd decided by now that every moment I could I was going to spend with Indie. After summer she has to go back to school and although I wish she didn't have to she needs her education, I'm not going to deprive her of that. We're not going to be together for months at a time but we'll make it, I vowed it to myself the day I met her.

Gently removing my lips from her forehead I tell her, "I love you." She lifts her head up and repeats the words I just spoke. The way she says it makes my heart flutter, I like her voice just a little to much. Oh and the way she says my name has my heart in a puddle that could be mistaken for an ocean.

I move away from her bike and walk back over to mine, hopping back on it and then moving next to her once again. "Come on, I still have a full day planned and we're running late because you wanted to have a race." I say cheekily, to which she rolls her eyes at me. Her eyes are going to get stuck if she keeps doing that.

"Okay Shawn, but remember it's not actually my fault, you started it." She says pointing a finger at me. I shake my head at her lightly, knowing full well that it is my fault.

"Okay, okay. I take full responsibility for making us late." I grin at her, my hands up in surrender.

"Good." She smiles at me.

We'd dropped the bikes off at another one of the many bike stations in Amsterdam and were now onto the second part of my planned day out.

I'm especially excited about this next part but that's mostly due to the fact that I know Indie's been wanting to come here for years. The only reason that I know this is because I spoke to her mum on the phone and asked her to help me plan this day. Her mum was more than delighted to help me out, so I think I've got her mothers stamp of approval.

I take India's hand in mine and walk us down the cobbled streets, admiring its beauty. You would expect India to keep asking where we're going but she keeps her pretty mouth shut. However, I know she's dying to ask me, I can see it in her chocolatey eyes whenever I take a quick glance at her. If I could I would stare at the piece of art I get to call my girlfriend but that would be weird, so stolen glances are the best I'm able to get.

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