Chapter 3

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Song- My Chemical Romance ~ Famous Last Words

What If

Making my way down the stairs of my home, I adjust my bag on my shoulder as I grab an apple from the fruit bowl in our kitchen.

"Morning honey." My mother sweetly greets as I flash her a small smile, walking off towards our living room as I plop myself onto the couch.

"You're going to be late for school." My mother notes, standing in front of me as she quirks an eyebrow. Frowning at her, I reply, "I'm waiting for my ride mom." With that said,my mother purses her lips, giving me a confusing look. "Lydia all ready left." She states as I nod, "who are you waiting for?"

Who am I waiting for?

My mind is suddenly blank of an answer as I replay the simple question over and over and over in my mind. "Uhm,I-I, sorry, just-I guess I'm still not fully awake." I quietly mumble, making myself to my feet as I quickly give my mother a kiss on the cheek, making my way towards my car which is parked outside.

It's odd, I am sure that I'm suppose to be waiting for someone, I'm sure that someone should pick me up, but who?


Placing myself next to Lydia in math class, I give her a small smile. "I'm impressed with most of you," our teacher starts, getting up from her desk with a stack if papers, our tests, in her hands, "it really speaks to your study habits. Anyone else, see me for extra help." She then proceeds to hand out the tests, placing Malia's test on her table as I notice Malia's claws.

She's clearly not impressed with her grade.

Lydia is quick to distract the teacher, not wanting her to notice Malia's odd behavior. "Malia, put away the claws." I gently whisper to her as Malia slowly nods, her claws retracting.

A test is placed in front of me, a big red A on the front.

"I want you to do the worksheet on page sixty." Our teacher instructs as I open my book, beginning with the work handed out.

"Lilly." I quickly snap my attention towards Lydia, her expression somewhat confused. "Do you see her?" She nods to the desk next to her as I frown, seeing nothing. "No, what do you see?" Lydia doesn't answer my question as she turns her head to the empty desk, well at least empty to me.

Lydia then whispers something to the empty desk, and before I could even comprehend what's happening, I quickly place my hands on my ears, an earpiercing noise, the noise of a train, running through the air as I notice Lydia doing the same thing.

The noise slowly fades as I scurry in my chair, seeing that nobody else but the Lydia and I heard it.

"I didn't see anything, but I sure as hell heard something." Lydia nods, running a hand through her hair as her eyes wander towards the front of the class. "She's leaving?" Lydia mumbles, "who? Lydia, who's leaving?" Without answering my question, once again, Lydia is on her feet, excusing herself as she exits the class, me following behind quickly as I hear the teacher calling me back. "Miss Martin, I'm sure Lydia will be fine, now take a seat, we don't want you missing anymore classes." I purse my lips out of pure frustration, "But I-" She shakes her head, gesturing to my chair, "take your seat." With an aggrevated sigh, I nod, making my way towards my seat.


"I keep havind this feeling, like there's pieces missing, holes in my memory," Scott shakes his head, looking at Deaton as I run a subtle hand through my hair, "and like this," Scott continues, gesturing to a blue piece of glass that is held by Deaton. "I took that from a windshield at the sheriff's impound lot, but I can't remember why I was there." Scott finishes as Deaton nods along, "this morning-" I contempate whether or not I should tell them, but I decide to go through with it, "this morning, I waited for someone to pick me up, like it was a routine, but I don't remember who was suppose to pick me up." Deaton then holds the piece of glass higher, inspecting it thoroughly, "The subconscious can be a conduit for our memories. Dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember."

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