chapter 16

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song- PerfectbyEd Sheeran

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song- Perfect
Ed Sheeran

"God Stiles what even is in here?" I groan, dropping Stiles' heavy suitcase onto the floor.

Even though I have super strength, Stiles' suitcase is beyond heavy.

Stiles closes the door to his dorm room, placing his last bag onto the floor, his eyes skimming over the neat  room.

It's not so small, having a double bed, together with a desk. At least Stiles is not sharing, because I already know that he'll somehow make his roommate, if he had one, uncomfortable.

"It's nice." I note, my eyes meeting Stiles' as he nods.

"Please tell me that you're not going to decorare the walls with Star Wars posters." Stiles purses his lips, rubbing his neck awkwardly, already giving me my answer.

"Really?" I cock an eyebrow, an amusing grin plastered on my face.

"In my defense, Star Wars is second on the list of things I love."

"And first would be?" Stiles locks his eyes with me, not hesitating the slightest, "you."

A goofy grin makes his way onto my face, Stiles taking a spot next to me on the bed.

"You know, we only have two days together and then I have to leave for Harvard." I sigh sadly, not very fond of the idea of leaving Stiles.

"Hey," he places a gentle hand on my cheek, "we're going to make this work, okay? Besides, there's this thing called facetime, it's really cool." I playfully roll my eyes at him, him now grinning, laughing at his own sarcasm.

After a few seconds, our laughter dies down, Stiles locking his brown orbs with mine.

"I really want to kiss you right now." I mumble, and without another second, Stiles leans forward, his lips on mine, his hands on my waist as my hands travel to his hair.

Stiles lays down on his bed, our lips still connected, me stradling his waist, his hands going under my shirt now and then.

   "God, I missed this." He breathes,  detaching our lips gently, "me too."

And with that, he reconnects our lips, my hands going to the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head.

My hands move to the hem of Stiles' shirt, pulling it over his head.

"I love you Stiles."

"And I love you Lilly."


"So, you told your father you were on a camping trip when really you guys went to Mexico?" I laugh wholeheartedly, Stiles grinning at me,

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"So, you told your father you were on a camping trip when really you guys went to Mexico?" I laugh wholeheartedly, Stiles grinning at me,

     "well, I couldn't exactly tell my dad that we were going to Mexico for supernatural reasons." He retorts, shrugging, his smile never leaving his lips.

As of now, it is 1am in the morning, me snuggled into Stiles, him telling me all about when Kate came back to life together with Bersekers, and how Derek turned back into a teenager.

"I wish I was there to see Derek turn into a teenager."

"It was pretty funny." Stiles agrees, laughing, making my heart swell.

"So," he starts, "I've been thinking, we've never actually been on a first proper date."

Now that I think about it, Stiles is right.

We've been so cooped up in all the supernatural drama, we've never even had a proper date.

We've been too busy solving cases or trying to stay alive, we haven't had time for ourselves.

"You're asking me out on a date?" I raise my eyebrows, Stiles' cheek reddening at this.

"Well, if you want to, you know, or we can-"

"Stiles," I cut him off, finding it adorable that he still gets nervous.

"Of course I would like to go on a date with you."

  "Good" he breathes, puffing out his cheeks, " I was starting to think you didn't want to."

    "Why would you think that? I love you Stiles, more than anything, so you shouldn't be worried."

Stiles chuckles, nodding as he places a kiss on my head, his grip on my waist tightening.

"I love staying up with you, but I'm tired, and I need my beauty sleep." I mumble, cuddling further into Stiles ,placing my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Lilly." He runs a hand through my hair, calming me as I wrap an arm around his waist, Stiles tightening his grip around me.

"Goodnight Stiles."


Hope you guys liked it x

Next chapter will be their date..

Then there will be about two more chapters and an epilogue

Thanks for reading💜

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