Chapter 6

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Song-Surrenderby Natalie Taylor

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by Natalie Taylor

Radio Silence


A relic.

an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical interest.

According to Lydia and her research, she is sure that Stiles left a relic behind. The web tells me that it is an object from an earlier time, but with more research, I found out that it is also something left behind by a deceased person or a person who has disappeared. The problem is, what did Stiles leave behind?

As the days pass by, Scott and Malia are less optimistic about Stiles' existance, Lydia has been by my side the entire time, doing extra research, but I can see that she has her doubts, and that bothers me, a lot actually, because what if everyone decides not to believe in Stiles' existance and what if that causes him to vanish forever, what if by not believing that he exists we will forget him, we will lose our memories about him, even if the only memory I have is his name and also the strong feeling in my chest that I love him, even if I'm not certain who or where he is.

Another problem displayed, is that my mother and Lydia found out that Claudia Stilinski, who me and Lydia presume is Stiles' mother, had dementia, but she should've passed a long time ago, it only adds to the mystery of Stiles Stilinski even more.

"Lilly, care to join us in the discussion of the human mind?" I snap my eyes up to find out biology teacher staring down at me, making me gulp slightly, "oh-uh yeah, sorry, I was just...sorry." thankfully, she continues, not pestering me. I let out a small relieved sigh as I am nudged by Lydia who sits next to me. "You okay?" I nod, knowing that it is a lie, but I cannot share my thoughts, not even with my twin sister.

I rub my temples, my eyes averting from my teacher to the windows as a frown appears on my face, my lips pursing into a thin line as I spot a blue, rusty, old Jeep sitting in the parking lot with a man inspecting the vechile, propably there to tow it.

My eyes widen as I inspect the Jeep even further, a faint memory replaying in my mind as I close my eyes, hoping for it to become more vivid,

"Lilly, you won't believe what my dad gave me." He gushes, his face slightly blurry, but I can detect a buzz cut, though I don't recall his name, and I am not certain who he is, "what?" The excitement is evident in my voice as he leads me outside, my eyes catching a blue Jeep with a black-ish roof, it seems kind of crappy, but it's seems really nice also. "It was my mom's." He silently whispers and somehow, my heart sinks at his sadness. And in an instant, I know who this perfect boy in front of me is, Stiles Stilinski, with Roscoe, his Jeep.

"Ms. Martin, if you're so bored, why not leave my class?" My eyes shoot open, as I don't even bother answering my teacher. I jump out of my seat, quickly grabbing my things as I know everyone is staring at me, and in an instant, I exit the classroom, hurriedly making my way outside to the Jeep as the chubby man's eyes land on me.

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