Chapter 5

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Song- Ben Cocks~So Cold


Sighing, I plop myself down in front of Liam and Mason on the uncomfortable library chair. Both of them immediately snap their eyes towards me, stopping their conversation. "And I'm here, why?" I raise my eyebrows at them, refering to the text that Mason send me a few minutes prior, telling me to meet them in the library. "We have a problem." Mason starts.

"Tell me about it." I siltently mumble, bringing one of my hands up to try to conquer ny headache.

I had been up all night again, trying to find out who Stiles is, where he is, and why I can't remember him, but as usual, I made no progress.

"Remember when you and Scott were at that creepy house? And then Mason and I showed up there, because of the compass?" I nod,listening intently to Liam, "you told us that because of lightning or an energetic field, the compass doesn't work properly."

"Where are you going with this." Both Liam and Mason look at each other, as if both of them are trying to send a telepathic signal to each other as I try not to snap at them. "Well, last night, we held a party at Scott's house, I presume you know about it?" I bite my lip, nodding, "Scott told me. Also about the Ghost Riders and Parrish pitching up there."

"Well," Liam continues, "everyone who was at the party, everyone who saw the Ghost Ridere, are going to be taken. Mason has this thing on its laptop, and there's lightning in the air, meaning that they are on their way."


"Lightning is above ground, so we need to hide them underground." Liam opens his mouth, immeidately objecting. "We need to stop them, we did it last night." He protests as I shake my head, "you didn't stop them, Liam. Scott said that they disappeared, Parrish being the hero, it's called getting lucky." The chair next to me screeches, Scott taking a seat, "what's happening?" He speaks, raising his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Liam thinks he can take the Ghost Riders, while Mason and I say that we should hide the kids who saw them at the party last night."

Scott takes a second, taking all the information in, his mind propably swarming with plans. "Liam, they're right. This is what we're gonna' do, we're going to hide them in the Argent bunker." Liam lifts his hands up in frustration, wanting to object, "for god's sakes. If you want to die, Liam, go try taking them on, okay? I would happily plan your funeral. Now, if you are done being a smart-ass, let's think about a way to get them into the damn bunker." I snap, annoyed, some of the other students stare at me, but I ignore their gazes, Scott nods as I see Mason and Liam nodding, "fine." Liam gives in as I smirk in satisfsction. "But you're helping us get everyone in there." Liam tells me, a serious expression plastered on his face as I nod in defeat.


"Is this a joke?" Nathan Pierce, a jock, or a dick,in my opinion looks up from the picture of Ghost Riders in his hand, Mason printed the image, saying that  'people will buy it more easily.'

"No." Liam objects, his voice almost stern, but I can see that he is kind of afraid of Nathan, I mean, Nathan is like a hundred meters taller than him. "You gotta' take this seriously, once we're all at the bunker we'll be fi-"

Nathan interrupts Liam, "I'm not gonna miss the first game of the year so that you can make captain." Nathan proceeds to stuff the picture at Liam, his eyes then darting towards me. "You weren't at the party last night, Lilly. We could've had a good time." He smirks, his friends hollering behind him, "a good time with Nathan Pierce? Please, I'd rather choke on my own vomit than hang out with you." I spit, rolling my eyes in the process, "feisty, aren't you?"

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