chapter 17

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song- Find My Way BackbyEric Arjes

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song- Find My Way Back
Eric Arjes

"I'm seriously considering the theory that you're going to kill me." I mumble, the blindfold placed over my eyes making my skin irratated.

   "Lilly, we've known each other for ten years, do you really think I wouldn't have already killed you." Stiles' laugh echos throughout my car, an instant smile being brought to my face at the sound of his laughter.

    "True, but still, you never know."

I lean back into my leather carseat, trying to somehow peek under the blindfold, but I come to realisation that it is nearly impossible.

  For our first date, Stiles has decided for it to be a suprise for me, and even though I love suprises, I am also a genuinly curious person.

I have been bugging him all day on what he has planned, but Stiles being Stiles, denied telling me and so it left me helpless.

  "We're almost there." He announces, his voice sounding giddy, "by almost there you mean almost at an abandoned facility where you plan to cut me in pieces?"

He loudly laughs at this, me chuckling with him.

The sound of his laughter is like music to my ears, it'a absolutely beautiful and to know that I caused it makes me even more happy.

Several honking cars are heard, as well as distant music, though I don't pay much attentio to it.

  The car finally comes to a halt, Stiles shifting in his seat, the sound of his door opening and closing is heard, and then a shuffle of feet on the gravel.

   "C'mon." Stiles, who has already opened my car door, cautiously helps me out of the vechile, shutting the door closed behind me.

     "Okay, you can take off the

I do not hesitate one second, almost ripping the blindfold off of my face, feeling relieved with having my eyesight back.

I immediately take in my surroundings ,my eyes almost bulging out of my head, a huge grin plastered om my face.

   "Oh my god!" I squeal, "an amusent park! I love amusement parks." I trap him in a hug, arms interwining behind his neck.

" I trap him in a hug, arms interwining behind his neck

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