Chapter 7

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song- heavydirtysoulbyTwenty One Pilots

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song- heavydirtysoul
Twenty One Pilots



Why on earth would Stiles instruct us to visit Canaan. What is of importance to this place? But then again, the only way to find Stiles is to follow his instructions, even if it leads us to a ghostly, abandoned town.

Scott, Lydia, Malia and I have roamed the streets of the dead silent town, the place giving me chills, nonetheless, I continue forward with the journey. Old, brown leaves are scattered across the road, old cars litter the streets, not one of the cars having an owner. ''This is it.'' Lydia confesses as I scrunch up my nose, ''creepiest place I've ever been to.'' I mutter, ''It's a ghost town, what do you expect?'' Lydia retorts, her eyes locking on mine as I restrain an eyeroll. ''No shit.'' Are the last words coming from me as the four of us continue our way onwards, walking pass the old, dirty houses.

''I don't hear a single heartbeat.'' Scott confesses as I nod, I'm not catching any scent.'' Malia tells us as I agree, once again, with a nod of my head. ''Are there any people even living here?'' It is a stupid question, for a know that the chances of someone else's presence is highly doubtable. ''I wonder why Stiles would send us here?'' Scott thinks aloud, but his wprds come to a halt as one of the streetlights flicker, light coming from it, before the source then disappears.

Ignoring the occurrence, we continue onward as Lydia stops, eyeing a torn banner hanging in the air, ''This is the place I saw in the mirrior.'' She says, her words light, but it has an edge to it, almost as if she's uncomfortable speaking about it. To recap, Lydia was somehow sucked into the mirrior in the girls bathroom at school, it being another one of her preminitions.

''I'm gonna go check out one of the houses.'' I mutter, not waiting for a response from the others as I turn left, heading for a bage colored house with pink stripes, the color faded from age. The floorboards creak is I make my way down the hallway, the house smelling of dust. The television room has old yellow couches, with a box tv. No photographs of people who once lived here are found and it leaves me confused. Deciding that I have had enough exploring, I turn my back, wanting to make my way towards the door, but I am stopped when a figure blocks my way. My eyes widen as my throat begins to dry, my hands clammy as Allison stands in front of me, the blade of an Oni in her stomach. It seems surreal, my eyes gazing over the lifeless body of one of my best friends, her short-ish hair is matted, as blood oozes from her lips and it feels as if I want to crumple in a ball at the sight of what I did. ''You killed me.'' And as the words leave her, a spiraling pain racks throughout my body as a blade peers through my stomach, the pain almost unbearable. ''Lilly.'' Allison speaks.



It isn't Allison in front of me, but a concerned looking Lydia, her green eyes scanning me as if to find any source of pain, that is when I notice that the pain in my stomach has disappeared and I finally piece toether that it was a hallucination. One that seemed so real. ''You okay?'' I nod at Scott's question, deciding to rather not speak of what I saw. ''Let's get out of this damn house.''

''The energy here is causing hallucinations, we can't stay here.'' Lydia realizes as we exit the house, ''We can't leave, not until we figure out why Stiles send us here.'' Scott quickly objects, ''I'm not leaving, Lydia. What if this is the only way we can have Stiles back?''

''I get what you're saying, the both of you, but who are we going to ask? There's no one here.''

''We can ask him.'' Our eyes divert to where Malia is pointing at, and sure enough, on the sidewalk across the street there stands a boy with a blue shirt, his pants pulled up to his waist as he faces the oppoite direction, not noticing us. ''Hey.'' Scott tries the get the boy's attention, and as soon as he does, the boy notices us, immediately running away. ''What do we do?''

''Go after him.''


The house to where we followed the boy is almost more creepy than the one I was in. The yellow furniture is of disgust as the floor's carpeting is extremely dirty. ''Hello? Is anyone here?''Lydia says loudly, ''anyone preferably not creepy.'' I am shushed by Lydia, almost as if she is saying my comment is inappropriate, but I am not fazed by her.

''Visitors.'' It is a woman's voice who speaks, as my gaze turns to a tall lady, her hair is short as she is decorated in an ugly green-ish dress. Her mouth is agape, and she surely did startle me. ''I can't believe we have visitors.'' She sounds astound, nearing us as a smile spreads across her face. ''Caleb will be so happy to see you.'' She announces, her smile never fading as she is now only a few feet in front of us. I piece together that Caleb must be the boy we saw, the one with the blue shirt. ''It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with.''

You live in a ghost town, of course your son won't have anyone to play with.

''You must be thirsty. Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink.'' She seems overly excited as she dashes off in the opposite direction, leaving us four to ourselves. ''I think she's a nut job.'' I announce as Malia nods, agreeing, ''seriously, what is with her?'' Malia's question is not answered, but the words that leaves Lydia's mouth is frightening,

''She's the one I saw in the mirrior.''


an update yayyy


sorry for the short chap

if you are a fan of stranger things, please check out my ff, it's called 'Secrets'

thanks you guys sm for reading x

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