chapter 14

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"Stiles? Stiles, I can see you

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"Stiles? Stiles, I can see you." My voice is soft, a few tears brimming my eyes as I let out a shuddering breath.

"Stiles!" I call out again, my eyes narrowing as the light from the tunnel subsides, the figure vanishing.

"Stiles? I- Stiles!" I call out again, taking a step forward, but a gentle hand places itself on my shoulder as I spin around, my gaze meeting with Lydia's.

"He was- he was just there, you saw him, right?"

"We didn't see anyone." Malia tells me, her voice gentle as I shake my head rapidly, "I- Lydia? Scott?"

Scott moves his gaze to the floor, Lydia giving me a sympathetic look.

I shake my head in disbelief, my heart hammering.

"Stiles is here. He is somewhere in Beacon Hills, I know it." I tell them, my voice cracking, "I'm going to go find him."

I push pass my sister, Scott grabbing my wrist as I give him a slight glare.

"Lilly, the town's filled with Ghost Riders. It's not safe." He tells me, his eyes searching mine, hoping that I won't proceed with the task at hand.

I pull my wrist from his grip, "I don't care about being safe. Stiles is out there, and I'm going to find him."

With that, I make my way toward the door, pulling open the lever, coming face to face with a dishelved looking Liam.

"Scott, there's something you need to see." Liam looks shaken up, his eyes grazing over mine then going to Scott.

"You're still here." Scott looks suprised, his voice giving away that he's relieved that Liam hasn't been taken yet, "yeah, but everyone else is gone. All of them, they're all gone." He informs, his voice wavering, "you have to come with me."

"What is it?"

"I can't explain it, I have to show you."

Scott shifts his gaze to me, his concerned eyes locking with mine, "stay here, figure out a way to get Stiles back. Just do it, please." And with that, he exits the door, slamming it behind him, my jaw clenching.

After several seconds, I turn around facing Lydia and Malia.

"C'mon." I tell them, opening the door, "Scott told us to stay here." Lydia reminds, making me roll my eyes, "I don't give a crap, Stiles is out there, and we're going to get him."

"Agreed." Malia grins, exiting the door as Lydia and I trail after her.

Mission: find Stiles Stilinski now in motion.


"Why's there a train station in the middle of the library?" Malia raises her brow, my eyes skimming to the benches in the library, rows of people filling it.

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