Ch1 A normal day

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(From Spyro's point of view)
It was a beautiful day in Skylands, Spyro flew as quickly as his wings could carry him.
*Shoot! I can't be late again!*
Spyro was a cadet attending Skylanders academy, a hero's training school. Unfortunately, Spyro also had a tendency to over sleep and was often late to class. As Spyro flew into the dragon window of Jet-vac's class room, the bell rang. Spyro let out a sigh of relief, for once he made it on time.

"I see that you finally managed to drag yourself out of bed", said Jet-vac as he straightened papers out on his desk, "take your seat please." Spyro walked from the far back of the room up the the exact middle of the desk arrangements in the room and sat at a desk marked by a purple star-like symbol with his name on it. While there were lots of people in the class room with him, he mostly sat alone, mostly because the other students thought he was annoying.

Spyro would definitely be the first to tell you he was the best dragon at the academy. He'd always try making up new stunts or tricks to prove it, but they often backfired, either getting him laughed at or in slight trouble. When his stunts did work out, they were often outshined by a student named Lightning rod. He was tall, buff, and pretty much the most desirable guy at the academy, he was also a bigger boaster than Spyro! Spyro was often confused at why he never got as much attention as he did, but the stubborn dragon did keep on trying.

Spyro was thinking about a new stunt to try and pull off later when his teacher interrupted the morning small talk for an announcement. "We have a new cadet attending our class today", Jet-vac announced, "I want you all to treat her with respect and to treat her like a fellow Skylander." The class nodded in agreement.

No sooner had Jet-vac made his announcement, the new girl walked in, she was an elf. Her skin was a teal-green color and her hair was a nice shade of blue and tied in a braided pony tail. She had on a brown outfit and a mask over her mouth. "Please take an empty seat over there by Spyro, he's the purple dragon over there", Jet-vac instructed her. The girl nodded in agreement and sat in the chair on the exact left of Spyro.

"Hi!", Spyro said greeting her, "what's your name?" The girl said nothing at first, so Spyro continued to try and get her name. "As he told you, I'm Spyro, the most awesome dragon in Skylands!" The girl still didn't speak, "okay, okay, enough about me, I'm trying to learn about you", he said. The girl still refused to speak so Spyro decided to leave her be, besides, Jet-vac was beginning to pass out a test, so he didn't want to have it shredded up in a vacuum blaster.

As the day progressed, Spyro continued to try and befriend Stealth elf, (he learned her name during role call) but she still didn't want to talk to him. "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" Spyro said. As she slipped into her dormitory, he sighed, all he wanted was a friend. Despite his cocky and outgoing attitude, he was quite lonely. He did find out quite a few times why her name was "stealth elf". But he'd find her again so he'd keep trying to befriend her. But the day slipped away as he finally decided to go back to his dorm and sleep the rest of afternoon off.

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