Ch 25 Return of a tyrant

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(Cynder's point of view)
Cynder followed her friends up the spiraling staircase back up to the Ancient core where Hugo and Eon waited patiently. "The skull mask of the philosopher king Mortalamus, the first ruler of the underworld," said Eon, as the mask floated out of Stealth elf's hands and clicked into place with the bigger ring on the column.

 "The skull mask of the philosopher king Mortalamus, the first ruler of the underworld," said Eon, as the mask floated out of Stealth elf's hands and clicked into place with the bigger ring on the column

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"Now I'm afraid your journey into the underworld isn't over yet," said Hugo, "you'll have to head deeper into the underworld to it's Royal palace, there the undead source will be found." Cynder shuddered a bit, but it wasn't so scary knowing her friends would be traveling with her. "It first appeared in the castle's courtyard," said T-bone, "I'm sure our current king would be more than happy to let you in for the source! Anything to keep the peace."

The skeleton led the four teens back down into the underworld. On the way he asked, "so what's that big "Ancient core" thing for anyway? If you don't mind me asking." "It's a machine for getting rid of something called the corruption," Cynder explained calmly as Spyro wrapped his wing around her, "it keeps balance between all of the elements of Skylands." "Well I guess that makes sense," he replied, "us undead folk don't venture out too far most of the time, it's much cozier in the underworld."

Soon after a great deal of walking and odd stares from the peaceful natives, they found themselves standing at the main gate of the castle. "Something's wrong!" Said T-bone, "something's very wrong! It looks like someone in our castle is trying to harness the undead source!" They all rushed inside, Stealth elf and Flameslinger taking the lead as they sped through the halls, Spyro and Cynder keeping close. They soon entered an extremely dark tunnel with a light at the end. But when Cynder made her way to the other side, her friends were nowhere to be seen.

"Spyro!? Stealth elf!? Flameslinger!?" She called frantically, "Where are you guys!? If you're playing a joke, it's not funny!?" "Don't worry," a frighteningly familiar deep voice spoke, "Your friends are safe in my dungeon, best guest rooms in my palace!" Cynder soon realized she was in the throne room, and looked up in horror into the eyes of the tyrant Malefore, who smiled wickedly. She was so afraid, she almost didn't notice the rush of energy she felt from the undead source, perched above the throne.

"W-what did you do with my friends!" She yelled at him. He just chuckled, "like I said, they're in my dungeon, there my loyal assistant Masker mind is "entertaining" them with their worst fears, for them it's a living nightmare!" Cynder instantly forgot how afraid she was, cause now she was mad. "You can scare the piss out of me, you can destroy my most valuable possession, but when you make the ones I care about suffer...." She slowly walked up to the tyrant, narrowing her eyes and arching her back, "I'm going to make YOU suffer!" She jumped up to attack Malefore, taking him by surprise, but not a single scratch.

"I see you're still as foolish as ever," he chuckled, "we don't have to fight, why don't you join me? Together we can rule the underworld, and spread it's terror across all of Skylands!" Cynder became even angrier "the underworld is a place of rest you monster! I'd rather die than serve an abomination like you!" "Then so be it!" Malefore sneered as he jumped from his throne to attack Cynder.

The battle was furious, they countered each others' attacks blow for blow. Malefore continuing to fuel Cynder's anger throughout the battle. "I find torturing the purple one most entertaining," he said with a wide sinister grin, "I can hear him crying out your name, along with the names of those pointy eared weaklings, as he yells at me to spare them, I know in his nightmare I'm torturing the three of you without mercy! And enjoying every minute of it while your insignificant purple boyfriend must watch!" He laughed louder than ever. Cynder became so enraged, that black Lightning struck Malefore with so much force, his armor broke to pieces. Cynder didn't even breath the lightning, in her anger she summoned it from the sky.

The tyrant laid still and motionless on the ground, he was still "alive" but that Lightning strike brought him closer to death than ever. Cynder knew where the eternal undead source was, but she rushed to the dungeon first. The safety of her family mattered much more to her. She took out Masker mind, breaking her friends from their trance. After a very heart felt emotional moment, where they all hugged eachother crying, Cynder flew to get the undead source and followed her friends back up to Skylands, perfectly content with having conquered her fear.

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