Ch5 Day of Disaster

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(Flameslinger's point of view)
Flameslinger groggily climbed out of bed and looked up at his clock, 8:13. *Oh shit!* Thought Flameslinger, as he rushed around his room at top speed trying to get dressed. But in his high-speed stumbling, he ended up accidentally bumping into the wall causing a picture hanging on the wall to fall off of the nail holding it up. With reflexes like a Sensei master, he stopped what he was doing to quickly catch it.

The frame had a picture of him and his longtime friends at the academy standing on a green rolling hill smiling at the camera. It had been a year and a half since he met Spyro, Stealth elf, and Cynder, but they meant a lot to him because they were the only people who understood he needed a friend as badly as he did. He sighed, and carefully put the picture on it's proper perch. Without rushing this time, he finished getting ready, and looked at the clock one more time before leaving, 8:18.

*I still have a little time*, he thought to himself, *I'm sure they'll understand if I'm a little late, they are my friends after all.* It was a Saturday, so since there were no classes, he and the others had decided to go into town to go shopping. As Flameslinger ran through the courtyard of the academy to meet up with the group, he noticed that everyone attending the academy were all gathered at the ancient core in the center of the courtyard. Everyone was there, including his friends, as Flameslinger approached, Stealth elf quickly told him that master Eon had told everyone to get ready defend the core, because "the corruption was coming!" Flameslinger then remembered the legend of the ancient core when they studied it in history class.

Long ago, beings known as the ancients built the ancient core to fend off a terrible evil force called the corruption, but it hadn't been seen in Skylands for centuries. To build the core, they used the 10 eternal sources, the embodiment of all 10 of the elements in Skylands, to combine into a very complex machine that Banished the corruption from Skylands.

Of course, no one seemed to concerned, all of the cadets were pretty confident in the core's power. But their confidence didn't last long, as dark clouds began to circle the academy with red and purple lightning raging throughout the storm as it approached the academy. Then all of a sudden, a giant head resembling a hooded figure with sharp teeth appeared from nowhere, at that moment, Eon himself stepped onto the balcony of his office to face the figure himself.

"Kaos!" The wise portal master exclaimed, "I might have known, how many times must I tell you that the corruption has no power here!" Kaos just laughed, "it will this time you old fool, because it's even more powerful with my aid to help get it here! Now I can destroy your stupid machine once and for all! Hahahahaha!"

Eon knew that the corruption would be more powerful, but he also knew he could aid his own cadets to fight off Kaos' minions. As soon as the first goon was released, every one knew exactly what to do, they all charged into battle, this is the kind of thing Eon had been training them for.

The battle raged on for the entire day, and not a single cadet had fallen, in fact some of them decided to make a competition out of it, keeping score of how many baddies they were taking down. "How many have you gotten?" Spyro asked Flameslinger. "50", he said as he shot a flaming arrow right into the eye of a Cyclops. "I'll catch up yet!" Called Spyro boldly, as he flew over a group of drow and burnt them all to a crisp. "Less talking, more fighting!" Yelled Stealth elf, she turned invisible and then proceeded to take out a Goliath drow from behind too quickly for him to react. As Flameslinger was shooting, one of the Cyclops tried sneaking up on him, but Cynder caught him in the act and she carried the Cyclops up into the air and threw him into another group of Cyclopes, knocking them off their feet, before they got up Cynder shocked them all at once with her lightning breath.

Flameslinger was quite grateful for the save from Cynder, but he noticed that even more minions were appearing than falling, but they were still just as easy to defeat. "It's seems like this 'Kaos' guy is just stalling, I have a bad feeling", said Flameslinger. "This is too easy", said Stealth elf, "is he planning something?"

Deep within the storm of corruption, in a flying castle hidden from sight, Kaos laughed hysterically. "Lord Kaos?" Said his troll assistant glumshanks, "aren't we losing?" "That's what they think you fool!" Snapped the evil portal master, "these minions were just a distraction, now it is time to send in the real power player!!!"

All of a sudden, a swirling vortex began to form within the center of the corruption cloud, a large ten headed monster stuck it's ugly faces from the center. "No!, Cadets! Fall back!" Eon shouted. The creature summoned a powerful force of energy from the corruption and blasted it right down the center of the core's light beam. "Duck!" Yelled Flameslinger, as he grabbed Stealth elf and pulled her behind a large wall, he then proceeded to run for Cynder and Spyro before taking cover himself. The core became extremely unstable, and the biggest explosion in the history of Skylands followed soon after.

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