Skinny Love

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Thank you so much hypersomniac- for requesting this!

Skinny Love: Two people who love each other, are to shy to admit it, but still show affection for each other.

You and Leo loved each other. But of course, you were to shy to admit it.

It started when you first arrived at camp. You, being clueless as to what and where you were, simply asked a random demigod. The demigod happened to be Will Solace, head counselor of the Apollo cabin.

So, he being the responsible guy he was, took you to the Big House to speak to a Centaur called Chiron.

Sadly, Will Solace couldn't show you around camp because of some "problem in the woods." So Chiron got the "Next Best Camper" to show you the camp, he, being Percy Jackson.

He showed you the cabins first, saying one of them would be yours, and you should be claimed sometime tonight during the campfire. It was a lot to take in, your mom or dad was actually a Greek God or Goddess.

As he was showing you the cabins, stopping at every one to give a little information on the God or Goddess, a scrawny, Latino teen around the age of maybe sixteen? Came running up to Percy, a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Percy! You will not believe what I just did to the Stolls! They will have yellow hair for ages!" He said, forcing himself not to laugh. You thought he was handsome, but surely he had a girlfriend.

"Uh. That's great Leo, but I'm showing the new camper, Y/N around, so if we could take about this later?" Percy replied gesturing to you, as you gave a shy smile and waved.

Leo nodded and apologized, before running off to do something else. You continued the tour of the camp untill the conch horn blew, signaling it was time for dinner.

You, not being claimed yet sat at the Hermes table, something about it being a cabin for extra space.

So, you sat down next to twins with yellow hair. Probably the Stolls, the ones Leo was talking about earlier. You sat in awkward silence as the rest of the camp talked and laughed about various things.

"So are you a Hermes kid, or unclaimed?" One of the twins asked.

"Unclaimed." You stated and the twin nodded, who you later learned was Travis.

After dinner, the camp made it's way to the campfire for s'mores and a sing-along. Feeling a bit out of place, you sat on a bench, with only a few camper surrounding you. The songs began, and everyone except you sang along. You literally just sat there looking completely lost. And in a way, you were.

That is untill a familiar face in the crowd made his way to you. You remembered his unruly locks of hair and his scrawny figure. You tried to recall his name-Leo, right?

He smiled and took a seat next to you. "Hey. Y/N right?" He asked, and you nodded.

"Nice to meet you." He continued. "Im Leo Valdez, The Life Size Super Sized Mcshizzle." He said while attempting, but failing miserably, to flex.

"Yea. Nice to meet you too." You shyly said, you not being used to much attention. Leo continued talking,

"So is your mom or dad your Godly Parent?" He asked.

"I-I don-" You were interrupted.

"You look like a child of Apollo, but you could be a child of Poseidon too." He continued on and on untill you broke off his rambling with laughter.

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