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You sat down by the lake, enjoying the silence, when all of a sudden, a grinning Leo Valdez had snuck up behind you and covered you eyes with his own hands.

"Guess who." He whispered in your ear, and you couldn't help but laugh at what he was doing.

"Leo stop!" You laughed. He pulled his hands away and sat down next to you, placing a quick kiss on your cheek, causing you to laugh more.

"I thought you had to talk to Chiron about causing a food fight at dinner last night." You said, raising a eyebrow at him. He shrugged and said,

"I told him Nico got mad at Will, which caused Will to throw a grape at him, which caused Travis to call a food fight." You knew that wasn't true. You were there. Leo had indeed threw his plate of tacos at one of his siblings, for whatever reason. This, causing a food fight to break loose at the dining pavilion.

"So you lied, to the camp director?" You asked, and he nodded while grinning ear to ear.

"Nico, Travis, and Will are on the Big House as we speak." He laughed again, which caused you to roll your eyes at him.

"What am I going to do with you, Valdez?" You laughed, and he quickly responded with,

"How about changing your last name?" You stared at him, wide eyed. He didn't like your last name?

"What?" You said and continued to stare.

"Yea. Its boring. You should change it." He said again, keeping the grin plastered on his face.

"Change it to what Leo?!" You basically yelled, considering you were getting annoyed.

"Val-dez." He said, making his own last name sound longer. Then, he kissed you, and walked away, back to his own cabin.

You let what had just happened sink in. Did he just-

"LEO GET BACK HERE!" You screamed, and chased after him.
Obviously, you guys were much older in this one-shot. Hope you enjoyed.

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