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Lexie and Angel made it at the restaurant

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Lexie and Angel made it at the restaurant. Lexie's legs are temporarily useless. She says, "I can't feel my legs. I can only feel my blood rushing through them." Angel carries Lexie as he goes inside.

He sits Lexie down on the table, right next to a mirror. There, she can have a look outside. He asks Lexie, "What you want to eat?" "Since we haven't eaten anything in more than eighteen hours... I'm fine with anything right now. Thank you."

Angel goes to the manager (The only person that works there) and asks, "Hey, I'll take two burgers and double the fries. I'll also take some soda please."

Once the manager had turned, Angel immediately thought he looked familiar. The manager repeated Angel's order. "All right, anything else for you?" Angel looked at him wondering why he looked so familiar.

He asked, "Hey, do I know from somewhere?" "Don't think so, but you do look familiar. What's your name?" "Um, Angel" "Still no clue, sorry." "By any chance do you know a woman by the name of Teresa?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, yeah, she used to come here every day. She would always come here with a spooked face. It's as if she was being followed. That lady was always in a hurry. Why?" "Because that lady is my mother!" "Wait! You're her son?" "Yes, why?"

"She told me that one day her son would come here. I believe she had something for you. I wasn't allowed to see it. I made a promise to never look at it. I kept my word. She did tell me where she hid it though. I think she was testing me. Unfortunately for me, she said only you would be able to figure where and how to find it."

"Really? I'll go take a look... right after we eat." "We?" "Yeah, you see that girl right there, her name is Lexie- The manager/server interrupts Angel's words. "Oh, she's your girlfriend aye? Wow, you is fast boy."

"No, she's my friend. Plus, we're starving. We have not eaten in hours." "All right, all right, I'll have your order ready." "Thanks, oh! Be sure to include some dessert too. Please, and thank you." "Coming right up."

Angel walked back to the table. Lexie asked Angel, "You think they're still after us?" "They're always after us, but we should be fine for a little while in here. For now, let's just eat and relax, shall we?"

Lexie was already eating once the plates were immediately served. Angel too was eating. Later, Lexie stops eating to look at Angel for a while. Angel was not making eye contact but instead looking outside the window on his right. Lexie, on the other hand, looked directly at his eyes. Lexie wanted to say something to Angel.

She said, "Hey, Angel?" Angel turns around to look at her, "Yes Lexie?" "Um, I uh... I wanted to say thank you for saving me... Uh twice! Also... Um... Thank you for these fun days, even though most of the time we're being chased. I haven't had so much fun in a while and someone to share it with. I thought I was all alone-"

Angel interrupts and says, "You're never alone and you'll never be alone, Lexie." "Yeah, that's where you came in and changed my life." "I'm proud to be in your life, Lexie. I will promise you one thing. As long as I'm here, you'll never get hurt again. You need to be taken care of. I will take care of you. Do not worry."

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