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Before the month

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Before the month... Angel made sure Lucy's biological father stayed awake. He tried different tactics in order to wake him. Every time Lucy's father woke up, he had forgotten that he told had Angel to keep him awake.

He would forget so often, that he would get mad at Angel. "What the hell are you doing kid?" asked Lucy's father. Angel responded in innocence, "You told me to keep you awake. Don't you remember?"

"Right, right. Look, kid, you can stop now. I deserve to have these nightmares. I chose to leave my daughters. What can a father do, when he's too scared to go outside? Father... that word shouldn't be labeled towards me. I should be labeled as a damn freaken coward. A damn hopeless rat is what I am. Always running and escaping the stomps of my own family. Hell, I should not even be a part of a family or any family for that matter. Family? Huh what a damn waste of a word that should describe love, care, and hope. Family is the total opposite of that. You can never rely on them. Well kid, are we leaving or what?"

"That is the plan," said Angel. Angel quietly whispered to himself, "I still felt the misery of the poor man. It was stronger than any misery I've encountered!" Angel thought that the abandonment of his own friends would cause him distress. But for this man's family to cast away from him? How could his own blood be so cruel and coldhearted after all he's done for them?

Angel is off to seek the fourth point located on the map. It was extremely far away. Angel wanted to catch a ride, but Lucy's father denied. Lucy's father did not want any help from anyone else, but Angel's.

Lucy's father said to Angel, "Look, I need to get there, but I'm in no need of any rush. I want a certain time to pass. I will be ready to find my fate that is destined by that time.. Do you understand?" Angel nodded in agreement and kept walking with Lucy's father.

Soon, daylight was to rise. Within a few miles, they had reached a non busy gas station. Both were starving for they had burn many calories during that long path of walking. . Lucy's father had no money. Angel was running low as well.

Angel took out two dollars which were enough to buy just one cooked chicken sandwich. He looked in his pocket for more and all he found was one dollar. Not only had Grieve stolen his friends, but he had also stolen his money. Why would Grieve steal his money? He doesn't pay the shadows to kill. Their only purpose is to cause fear in town. Fulfilling their desire of psychopathy. Then what was the purpose of stealing his money?

Angel should have figured that Grieve would eventually steal his money. He thought as to why Grieve would need the money. He came to the conclusion that he was going to use it to build more fear equipment. Little did Angel know Grieve had more than enough fear equipment. He thought maybe Grieve was going to hire people to kill him.

Angel's thoughts were interrupted by the clerk up front. "Hey buddy, are you going to pay for one or two? My shift ends soon. Hurry it up!" "Just one," responded Angel. The clerk closed up shop as Angel walked out. Soon, Lucy's father and Angel were sitting outside. The warmth of the sun kept Lucy's father in a calm state. As long as there was no snow, he would stay like this for a sufficient amount of time.

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