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Can you really say you hate this?

a month and a half ago

"Do you want some more lunch, little girl? I'll get another bowl of soup. Should I also bring you some?", not Minhyuk but Shownu asked me, while we were sitting at the cafeteria, minding our own buisness.

I've been boredly stirring around in my soup, eating maybe two to three spoons full of it, but this big guy wanted me to eat even more.

But I've lost my appetite.

Grey walls everywhere, those orange overalls and the sharp smell of prisoner, didn't give me the mental support I was wishing for those last two weeks.

Minhyuk's confession ended up being as true as my friends being still alive, because I haven't talked to him ever since.

In the meantime, Shownu started to take care of me, show me around, explain to me how to react to certain guys and most importantly - to not get into a fight. Although he also told me that the guys put their blonde-haired friend under quarantine, because they don't want him to get closer to me for security reasons - like them getting into trouble because Minhyuk does something to me - I was still a bit salty.
However, it also made sense that they didn't want him to cause a scene or something, now that I know what happens to you when you don't follow the rules... but still...

Don't get me wrong, I never thought he would actually like me, but as a lady getting told by someone he adores you it's a flattering compliment and works great for one's self confidence, but proofing it wrong will just hurt you even more.

Luckily Shownu stayed by my side.

I was taken aback by his friendliness. He is tall and muscular but he seemed to be a sweet guy from the very beginning. I don't get how he is the leader of this pack and still can have such a caring personality. The guys once told me, it's Shownu's second time in jail, which seems unbelievable if you know him better.

With Kihyun, I'm having a kind of neutral relationship. He's a smart guy and seems to be considering the well being of the other's they are quietly talking at nights about things I don't understand, because I only hear pieces of their sentences.

Hyungwon and I kind of relate because we just want to stay in our lock up and read or sleep, but sadly a life in prison also consists of cleaning the halls, cooking in the cafeteria and sitting around while freetime to "re-socialize".

Changkyun was different to all of them. He was quiet, didn't talk to me and basically avoided me at any chance he got. I didn't mind it though.

Shownu was just about to leave our spot at the table, we've been sitting together, while Minhyuk and Co. were placed at the other side of cafeteria hall, when I spotted another similiar face getting pulled insides the room.

Two guards, one left and one right, were pullining Jooheon into the hall, sitting him down and throwing a bowl soup in front of him, almost spilling it, which he quick attacked and gulped down quickly, as if he didn't eat in weeks. Now that I was thinking of it... I didn't see him since my second day here, not at freetime nor at any other place in the whole building.The wound he got on his forehead already started to fade, but it seemed to leave a scar.

"Why is Jooheon getting treated like this?", I trailed my gaze back to the man opposite of me, who already stood up from his seat.

"Oh?", he was taken off guard, until he turned around and saw said man sitting just a few tables next to us.

"Jooheon is crazy", he said, reminding me of Minhyuk. "But that can't be it!", I shot back, looking up at Shownu and hoping for him to give in.

He sighed.

"He's been attacking the guards since a while and at some point he made them think he would spill stuff about our case - Are you happy now?", he explained, not really happy about it before he steps away from his seat.
"He deserves this", he added quietly, before finally walking away from our spot in the hall.

"And what about your case?", I shouted after him but Shownu just lifted his hand over his head, waving, showing me that he won't tell me this time.

Everytime I asked him or any of the other guys about it, they are avoiding my questions. I'm really curious how they ended up here, but at the same time I don't want to know. They probably also are curious why I'm here but I don't want to tell them - then I'll probably end up like Jooheon, alone.

However, them avoiding to answer me, won't stop me at least trying to find out what happened before they got here. I only know that Minhyuk was in an institution but not why.

I took another spoon of my soup and lifted it up before my head, ready to gulp the greyish fluid down, when I noticed Jooheon's stare on me.

Come here.

It was like the day I first saw him. If there was someone who's strange in this prison, it's me and what I've done, but Jooheon, of all those wicked minds in this god damn hell hole is the closest to my confusing being.

Pushing my bowl away, I stood up from the table and walked over to Jooheon, who was still surrounded by guards at this point.

He flashed a smile at me, when he saw me coming straight at him.

You are a good girl, honey. Now, come closer and sit down.

I could hear his chuckling voice through his smiling eyes, but I wasn't listening to it. I went to him because he can tell me what Shownu was hiding all the time and why Minhyuk was acting like he did!

I need to know so I can help myself! If I ever want out of here I need to force them to get me out, if they are not even considering it until now!

With quick steps, I approached the smirking guy on the table, when I suddenly bumped against someone and made a few steps back.

"Prisoner Lee isn't allowed to be talk to other prisoners, except at free time. Go back to your seat, young lady!", I could hear a voice shouting at me, but at the same time it confused me.

The voice was female.

SOOOO two updates in a day wow i rly felt guilty haha :") sorry again for not updating in a while TT ❤️

also.... ANOTHER GIRL? >.> WHAAAAT??

my teacher would be proud of me.. girlpower haha :") ... or not? :P

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