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So you can talk bad about me all you want
so your name can be hanging off my name
This is how I start
Watch carefully from now on

a month and a week ago

They say damaged people are the most dangerous.

I felt Minhyuk's chest, pressed against my back, while his hands were wrapping themselves around me. His heart was beating in a soft pace.

Pock-Pock. Silence.

The heart through into which he shot two bullets probably sounded the same.

Pock-Pock. Silence.

He didn't tell me what had happened, he didn't tell me who this guy was, but he told me he was a guy from his hometown, he didn't know more himself.

At first I didn't know what to say, but Minhyuk quickly told me to just forget it. Yeah, forget that he had pulled the trigger twice to kill an unarmed man. However, I didn't say anything about it.

What was I expecting when asking? That he killed the bad guy and was originally the hero, who had to go to jail because of a misunderstanding?

Such things only happen in movies and the blonde guy, holding me wasn't my knight in shining amour - but he still saved me that day somehow.

And the reason for that was because he killed a man and because he goddamn knew well how it is to be not understood by anybody not even his best friend.

I never thought he would agree on helping me find out what's wrong with me. All the time I stayed up at nights and cried my heart out of my chest, because I thought no one would ever accept me, while the one reaching out to me in the end was already lying next to me on the hard concrete, his hand holding onto my waist for the whole night.

Pock-Pock. Silence.

Someone had knocked onto the door to the cafeteria and it quietly opened. Minhyuk and me quickly stepped apart from each other to not cause a scene, although his bright eyes were still focusing on me instead of the guard who stepped insides the room.

He told us Shownu was back in their lock up and that our freetime was over. He didn't say anything about us cuddling quietly and I thanked him internally for being so generous.

Not every officer here was like Azura, just out of the booth camp and working exactly as the rules say. The older ones start to get soft, that's why Azura is here, to replace them and to keep us in place.

Getting reminded of Shownu, I felt like a lightning went through my body. How is he?

I ran in front of Minhyuk to our lock ups, while the guard nearly couldn't follow us, until I had to part ways and go to my lonely cage on the left side, while theirs was on the right.

I damned myself for being a girl and not getting to live in the same room as them, although we were so close. Watching them through the metal bars sometimes really hurt.

As soon the officer closed the door behind my back, I ran to said metal pipes and reached through them although I couldn't reach Shownu laying on the bed by far.

𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨 || monstaxWhere stories live. Discover now