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In my eyes, everything around you is a mess

a month and two weeks ago

When I woke up I assumed a guard was shaking my shoulder to get me up for some job we had to do, but it was Minhyuk's arm, which was wrapped around my waist from behind the bars and an unknown voice, which woke the both of us.

The blonde haired guy sat up first, his arm slowly pulling off my waist as he looked around with sleepy eyes to find out what was happening, while I was silently watching him.

I gave him a glare while he was scanning the room, because I couldn't believe he actually dared to touch me while I was asleep.

But before I could throw a tantrum or scold him in any way, another female voice, we all recognized oh so well reminded me that we weren't alone in this room.

"You stay with them and I dare you to break the rules once again!", Azura shouted, as my eyes trailed to another guy sitting on the concrete floor in front of her.

His hair was black and his shoulders wide, I couldn't look at his face because his back was turned to me but I learned through Minhyuk's whispers that this guy must be Wonho.

I wasn't surprised about the sudden appearance of this guy. I've been trying to listen to the others talking to find out how I can make them let me join their prison break and I heard that they were talking about him from time to time.

"I didn't break any rule, darling!", the black haired teased, unimpressed by the woman's rank or position. All of us were just silently watching them two fight with each other.

"If you call me that one more time, I'll send you back to where you came from!", Azura shouted with a warning tone in her voice, her perfect dark bun not daring to lose any form while her expression was cold and distant as always.

"Try me", Wonho laughed, amused by how quick Azura raised her voice at him. I would have bet my all, which wasn't much at that point but the thought counts, on Azura punishing the newbie, but instead she shot him an angry glare, turned on her heels and rushed out of the lock up, followed by two guards who were silently waiting at the entrance.

There was a short moment of silence after the woman stormed out of the room and I got a better glance of Wonho. He got big eyes and a round nose and a quite handsome smile.

I wanted to ask Minhyuk about him but before I could reach out between the bars to give the blonde haired's shoulder a squeeze, he jumped up and ran to the black haired one, same as the others.

They were cheering loudly, embracing each other in hugs and laughing as if they won the jackpot or something.

And I was quietly sitting on my mattress behind the bars, the overall slid down my arms while my white hair was knot to a braid resting on my shoulder. A small smile lingered on my lips and I really tried to be happy with them, but my heart filled with sadness, when they had a reunion with their friend while I was watching silently, not having any anymore.

I was hesitantly thinking of saying something or turning away from them, but this question was already answered by Minhyuk, who pointed at me, telling Wonho, "And that's Bebey!"

I looked up at the two of them, standing in front of my lock up, as the black haired one kneeled down and suddenly ruffled my hair.

"Hello, student", he chuckled and I crossed my arms to give him a pout. He doesn't even know me but is already talking to me like I'm a baby!

"Nice to meet you, Wonho", I bowed my head, brushing off my annoyance to be polite.

"I see the guys told you about me?", he asked me, while Minyuk was quietly watching the two of us. Seeing him up closer he seemed quite muscular and I wondered what he did to get here.

I quickly shook my head. "I just heard your name from time to time...", I answered quietly and he shot me a handsome smile.

"You are cute, but it's a pity you don't know the stunning me", he chuckled, making me flustered but when I tried to look away he just grabbed my chin to turn me back to look at him.

"Don't you think I'm han-", the black haired wanted to say but got suddenly cut off my Minhyuk, who hit his shoulder, before pulling him back onto his legs.

"I'm sorry about that!", Minhyuk quickly apologized and pulled Wonho away from me, making me look quietly after them both in their own lock up.

After they disappeared around the corner where their beds were set, I chuckled to myself.

Funny how Minhyuk was the one who got kept away from me and now is pulling Wonho away.

Soon there were guards coming to get us for shower and the boys slowly lined up one after the other, now in addition with the new member Wonho, who acted as if he had been here all his life.

I tried to steal some quick glances at Shownu, but whenever he looked behind him to check on the others and our vision accidentally locked, he'd look away quickly.

I sighed silently to myself and tried to give them a weak smile, before they left me behind.

What did I do that Shownu is ignoring me?

So Bebey is butthurt bc Shownu doesn't look at her, Minhyuk won't go away from her not even in her sleep and Wonho finally joined the squad so now the group is complete \^0^/

What do you think will happen next?~

As always thank you for reading❤️❤️

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