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Ty was reading under an enormous beach umbrella, which was an explicitly happy yellow. With him under it, in a black t-shirt, dark gray trousers and that raven-black hair, it was a startling contrast to behold. Kit loved it. It was a physical strain to not look at him.

Kit was at the edge of the water. Letting the waves lap at his feet, feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin and enjoying the cool breeze sweeping through the beach.

They had all come along, except Emma and Julian, out on patrol. And Diana had agreed to look after Tavvy.

Kit glanced at Ty, cursing himself for it every time, but never fully able to regret it. He smirked, he really did just want to look at him. As simple as that. Just stare into his stormy gray eyes and marvel at the way his ink-black eyelashes looked against his pale skin every time he closed his eyes. Tangle his fingers through his hair...

He shook himself, his face reddening. Then feeling his face blaze as he glanced back yet again, and found Ty looking at him. Both boys looked quickly away.

He tried to distract himself by observing what the girls were doing.

Livvy was in front of Dru at the far side of the beach, two older guys before her. She had a hand on her hip, an eyebrow raised and a smug look on her face. They both looked increasingly uncomfortable, shooting glances at Dru, her face red and just as uncomfortable.

Kit had picked up early on that Dru was often subject to flirtations. It wasn't surprising really, Dru was pretty, and she didn't look her age. He had also noticed how uncomfortable it made her, she was only thirteen after all. Julian was always the first to intervene. He usually did a fantastic job at scaring them off. When he wasn't there to do it, Livvy usually stepped in. She did that often, step in in Julian's stead. Kit admired her for that. He contemplated stepping in, but as he did, he could see Livvy advancing on them as her mouth moved at an incredible speed, the guys slowly backing away in fear. Oh she had this.

Inevitably, his gaze strayed back to Ty. This time though, Ty wasn't looking at Kit. Kit deflated slightly. When he followed the boy's gaze, he saw there was something moving toward him.

His eyes flew open and he fell back on the sand. "Damn!" he righted himself and rushed the other way.

Ty had finally ripped his gaze from Kit's figure, stunning in the sun. Movement catching his eye.

There, making it's way along the shore, white as a cloud, was a swan. It's tail feathers swashaying in the air.

There was an exclamation followed by a thud. When Ty looked to Kit again, the boy was on the ground, a look of utter horror on his face as he looked at the bird.

Ty watched as he bolted up, turned and power-walked in the opposite direction.

"That is a demon with wings!"

Ty had to hold in his laughter. Kit couldn't have been more of a Herondale.

^^^^^^^^^^ Author's Note ^^^^^^^^^^

I had this one-shot just sitting there in my computer, so lonely :( So I decided to just post it, what the hell ^^ I hope it wasn't too bad ^^

Thanks for reading!

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