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Honey can you sit up the plates my aunt questions sure I say as I get up off the couch walking towards the kitchen getting plates out the cabinets an puts the sliver wear on the side of each plate and a glass in front along with the folded napkin beside the glass cup. I should've did this earlier my aunt says in a frustrated way , it's gonna be okay aunt we got this it'll be done before they arrive I promise . Well I hope so she says putting the food dishes on the dinner table okay I think I can handle it from here go finish what you gotta do . It's ok I got it you go get freshen up ok she says cutting me off ok I will I say going upstairs . I ran to my room putting on different clothes as I pull out my PINK white shirt with (PINK golden wording on the front on and my white pink pants saying "love PINK" on my left leg spraying , "love secret" perfume on my body 2x , brushes my teeth , puts on my carmex lip balm and my hoops earrings with my nickname "Dej" printed in golden . I look in the mirror for one good time and walks downstairs back into the kitchen sitting at the table while waiting on my auntie's guests I'm wondering whats taking them so long to get here . Dej my auntie says , yes ma'am I answer back I'm about to go get ready I be right back if they show up let them in and tell her I'll be down in a shortly ok? Okay I will I said nodding my head once looking at my auntie on the steps walking her way up the stairs, I wait a few mins I put my phone down and lays my head down until I heard a doorbell so I get up and walks to the door and answers.

Hello you must be Dejah the lady says smiling while waiting for me to let her in yes I say sticking my hand out shaking her hand as I shake her hand I see her 3kids walking up to the doorstep. These are my kids she says smiling the names are Myles , Junior and Xavier , hey come in you guys sorry making you guys stand here I say moving to the side letting them walk in , my aunt will be down soon I say after letting them in as I sit down with them at the table waiting for my auntie to come downstairs

Dejah P.O.V

While sitting at the table with her and her beautiful kids but i kept catching her oldest son staring at me he wasn't bad looking at all he got some pretty brown eyes an he had some curly hair and his height was perfect and the way he lick his lips is just om , let me stop I'm doing too much an I don't even know him like that but he's handsome . She has some beautiful kids god took time creating them especially Myles plus he's in the New Edition Story so it's not like I haven't seen him before . I just never seen him in person

Dej start put pulling out the plates my aunt says walking down the steps all dressed up walking in the kitchen , yes ma'am I say getting up getting the glass plates putting them in front of everyone that is sitting at the table , Auntie let me help you serve I say picking up a cooking spoon , yes you may help hun I put some spaghetti , chicken wings , corn , carrot slices , green beans and salad on everyone's plate . Thanks honey for helping out that was very sweet of you to make everyone's plate my auntie says looking at me smiling while getting ready to say grace , your welcome anytime I smile while sitting back down in my seat . Now everybody bow your heads were about to say grace and bless the food she say putting her head down everyone puts their heads down and closes their eyes while she says grace "in Jesus name Amen" everybody lifts their heads up and says "amen" while picking up the sliver wear an starts eating what's on their dish ..


Dej how about you take the kids to the game room upstairs, yes ma'am I say getting up from the table taking the my plate to the sink while that Myles follows me in the kitchen with his brothers plates in his hands where do I put these plates? He questioned looking at me you can just sit them on the counter I'll get them thank you for bringing them in here I say smiling at him , you welcome he smiles back walking out the kitchen

Myles P.O.V.
Man Dejah looks beautiful I never seen her before around the A , she got great style an a nice smile with bright white teeth , I wanna get to know her I can probably pull the shyness out a little bit maybe she'll feel comfortable if we talk some more and get to know each other and be friends we'll see what happens.

If you guys wanna follow me I'll show you guys where it is I say walking up the stairs and they follow me upstairs walking past my room and walks to the door all the way down the hall an opens the door turning on the light , walking in turning on the tv and handing them the controllers , here you guys are I say standing on the side . Wow this is so cool Xavier says walking in sitting down on the comfortable couch grabbing one of the controllers an turns the PlayStation on junior sits next to Xavier while he starts playing the game , meanwhile Myles just stands in the doorway , well I hope you guys have fun I say an starts walking towards the doorway and sees Myles blocking the area . Excuse me I say looking at him , I'm sorry he says stepping to the side I walk out the game room and walks to my room and sits on my bed picking up my phone scrolling through my Instagram all of a sudden I hear a knock on my door , I look up and I see Myles can I come in? he says looking at me sure come in I say while putting my phone down and watch him take a seat next to me ,  my name is Myles he says sticking his hand out looking at me hi , My name is Dejah I say shaking his hand back I make eye contact with him . You from here? he asks me , no I moved her when I was 5years old I say looking at him oh okay he nods you like it here? , yeah it's nice it's better since I'm homeschooled I don't gotta wake up early to get ready for school and stuff so yeah I like here i stay as I start wiggling my toes , oh so you homeschooled? Me to it's more easier for since I been going out of town to be doing auditions and stuff he says smiling , yeah you know that New Edition Story i say looking at him smiling back making eye contact with him , yeah I am you watched it? , yeah it was a good movie Mr.Ronnie.Dovoe I say nudging him laughing, yeah he says laughing . You did a good job playing him as a kid I say looking at him , thanks he says no prob - COME ON KIDS time to go his moms yells up the steps . Take my number he says , here put it in my phone I give him my phone he puts his number in my phone and gives it back to me , I'll call you ok? He says getting up walking out my room , I- okay I say watching him leave..

Sorry it's been a while since I updated I been very busy lately‼️ But what you guys think ?

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