Request #11

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{ requested by Alexis_Kayla_Styles }

You're finally dating the boy of your dreams. You've had a crush on Luke Hemmings since you were in the 6th grade and now you're in high school and finally gained the courage to talk to him. First you became close friends and then it turned into more than that, which you were totally okay with.

Today was your first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend and you couldn't be more excited!

"So where are we going?" You ask Luke as you climb into the passenger seat of his car.

"Where ever the road take us." Luke says, biting his lip nervously. You never told him but it always kills you when he bites his lip. Its those little things that he does that just gets you every time.

After a while of driving in the car; windows down, blaring music and singing along with Luke, you finally got to your location. It was a little park. There were lots of pretty just-blossomed trees and a little trail leading to a pond with picnic tables nearby.

And surprisingly on such a beautiful day they park happened to be empty.

Luke intertwined your fingers and lead you down the trail. In his other hand he was carrying a lunch box with some sandwiches and other snacks with a picnic blanket draped over his shoulder.

"This looks like a good spot." Luke said smiling. He stopped on a big grassy hill with dandelions scattered around. The lovely signs of spring.

You helped Luke lay out the blanket and then two of you munch on the snacks Luke brought for you.

"This is really nice." You say to Luke smiling as you look around the park. "It's so quiet and peaceful out here."

"Yeah it is, Its a good place to clear your head and just relax." Luke says laying back on the blanket.

You follow Luke's actions and lay down beside him.

You continue to talk for what seems like hours. It's so easy talking to Luke, you can literally talk about anything with him. You loved how it was so easy with him. You had never really been good at talking to guys until you started taking to him.

"I still remember the first day you talked to me was in class and you looked so nervous, but I thought it was cute." Luke says smiling up at the sky. He'd never told you this before. It gave you some kind of indescribable feeling to know that Luke still thinks back to when you first met, that he still remembers those little details.

"I was so nervous..but I'm glad I did it." You say, looking up at the clouds, you mind drifting back to those memories.

You felt Luke's hand travel from yours, up your wrist fumbling with all of your bracelets.

Luke looked at all you bracelets curiously. And then suddenly he realized why you wore so many bracelets all the time.

"Alexis..." Luke said sympathetically as he looked at your scars.

You quickly covered them with your other hand.

"When did you do that?" Luke asked.

"Before we started dating..but I haven't done it again since then. You are the reason I stopped Luke." You said quietly, trying not to cry.

"Aw babe. Please don't ever do it again. I don't want you hurting yourself. You're too beautiful." Luke said looking into your eyes.

"I won't as long as I have you." You say gazing into Luke's bright blue eyes.

"I love you Alexis. I really do."

"I love you too. I don't know what I would do without you Luke Hemmings."

Luke puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him on the blanket so your bodies are touching. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him passionately.

You were thankful that Luke didn't ask why you cut. It wasn't something you liked to talk about, or even think about. You were just glad to have Luke in your life and you knew that because of him you'd never go back to self harm. He made you feel beautiful and worth it and he made you forget all the bad things that used to consume your mind.


Awwwweeeee omg i love this. This is so adorable im crying. Is it bad that i fangirl over my own imagines? I just picture it all in my mind and ahh ahsjsbwksbw

I hope you guys liked that imagine! I know its a touchy subject but I just want you guys to know that I'm here for you and I love you. You were put on this earth for a reason and you are loved. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. ♡

Thank you for reading!

If you have a request for me, send it to me via WATTPAD INBOX with a scenario pleaseee, thank you!

PS if you send me a request please be patient with me! I have A LOT of requests to catch up on, tysm.


- Nicole (@babybluelukey) ♡

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