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Tony gave Peter a tight lipped, smug smile. He rose from his spot on Peter's bed and brushed off his suit. "Speaking of which," said Tony, "Your aunt and I are going out tonight."

Peter couldn't believe his ears. Okay, yes, Peter was ecstatic that his aunt would be going out with Tony Stark- his mentor, his idol- an amazing man, but could the timing get any worse? Peter quickly found his footing and tugged on Tony's sleeve. "Mr. Stark, I don't think that's a good idea-"

Tony lifted a brow. "Why not?"

"Well, Aunt May, she kind of went through a break up yesterday. It really shook her, and I don't think that your timing is good right now."

"Oh." Peter wasn't expecting Tony just to say that one word. In fact, he didn't know what to expect Tony to say. The man was... not normal to say the least. Tony shrugged. "Well, I will just make her forget all about her patchy break up."

"How will you do that?"

"How old are you?"

Peter's face burned red. "M-Mr. Stark!" But Tony was already heading to the door. Peter followed after him, a puppy following the much more mature dog.

"May?" Tony adjusted his tie and lowered the sunglasses on his face. Has anyone told him the saying that only douchebags and blind people wear sunglasses inside?

May still sat on her spot on the couch. She was messing with her hair, running her fingers through it and smoothening it down. Once she heard her name, her hands fell to her lap and she hummed, "Hm?"

Peter noticed that, well... May seemed presentable. This morning? She looked like a mess. She wore baggy sweats, the ones while a massive hole in them and a dirty sweat-shirt that Peter swore was his. Her hair was thrown together as a messy bun, emphasis on messy. It wasn't cute. But now, May wore a clean sweater with the sleeves rolled up and high waisted pants that didn't have a hole in them, thankfully.

Tony cleared his throat. "May, would you be interested in dinner? Maybe Thai. Are you a fan of Thai?"

"Oh, um..." Peter watched her intently as she bit her lip as she thought. "You know what? Sure. Let's go get Thai or something."

She stood up and looked at Peter. "What are you doing standing there? Get ready!"

Peter coughed and his hand went to scratch the back of his head. When May noticed his movement, her mouth fell slightly and she glanced up at Tony again. "You-you mean..."

"It doesn't have to be, I just thought that you could have a good night out. With some good company." He flashed her a winning smile.

May hesitated once more but she nodded. "Yeah, okay, that... sounds really nice, actually." She tried to hide her smile by biting her lip again as she walked past the two. "Give me a few minutes to get ready."

Once she was out of sight, Peter spun on Tony. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make her happy? Like, I pissed off this girl and I have to make it up to her tomorrow at a party and I don't know what to do!"

Tony laughed. Laughed at his dismay. "Oh, Petey, there are so many things you don't know."

"Well, teach me!"

Tony pursed his lips. He faced Peter and squeezed his shoulders. "You're always wrong. Know that. When it comes to women, know that you're always wrong."

Peter leaned back. "Um..."

"Put really, just show them a good time. Be exciting. Think big. I think you can handle that."

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