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Summary: Spider-Man tries to save the city.

Finally updated super fast lol

I made so many references guys, hope you understand them. :)






He realized as he was free falling that he had never been this high up. The Empire State Building brought the entire world into view, the world that he was supposed to protect against people like Paradox. The wind rushed at him, pushing him back with all of its might, possibly warning Peter that he shouldn't go any further- that he couldn't do anything for the people.

For a brief moment, everything was muffled. The noise in the streets was dulled to faint whispers in the back of his head. He could only hear his heart slamming into his chest and throughout his body. His entire being vibrated from his heightened sense. He should have known this was going to happen. He should have prevented this.

Then suddenly, the ground began to meet up with him. He was closing in fast and he stuck his arm out, reaching for a distant building for his webbing to grab onto. He pulled, and the momentum sent him spiraling in a forward flip into the city's burning jungle.

He could hear everything now: the screams, the shouts, the crackling of the fire, the breaking of glass, the crumbling of building's structures, the honking of horns. It was so overwhelming that he didn't know where to begin until the groaning of a large streetlight threatened to fall on top of an older woman, teetering before it came sinking down. The woman screamed, too paralyzed to even move until Peter extended out his arm to grab onto her and swoop her out of the danger. "I gotcha!" he cried as they made their brief journey in the sky before he safely returned her to the ground.

The woman profusely thanked him, hand over her heart as she caught her breath. He simply nodded, knowing that he had to move on fast to save as many people as possible.

Instead of swinging, Peter ran through the street. He leaped over vacant cars and pulled citizens out of danger with his webs. The ground was a smokey haze of fumes. If he didn't have his mask on, his nose would have been burning from the harsh atmosphere.

He came to a halting stop when he approached a building on fire and a crowd below staring above. Peter pushed through so he could get a better look at a scared boy peering out of a window with menacing flames behind him. People were shouting at him to jump and they'd catch him in all of the chaos. Peter went to work. He jumped on the building, defying gravity as he clung on and crawled to the window. "You're gonna be okay just grab my hand-" Peter tried to say as the fire erupted behind the boy, sending him out of the window without his consent.

Peter cursed, watching the boy sail over his head to the terrified crowd below, who suddenly felt unsure about catching him. Peter pushed off of the building in a backflip and he saw the boy and crowd below him, time slowing down. He realized that he was too far from the boy to catch him midair and he panicked with only one thought in mind. "Karen! Trampoline?!" He didn't make any sense with fear shooting through him, but somehow, Karen understood. She loaded an option that he vaguely recognized when he was tinkering with the suit and Peter wasted no time to shoot it at the edge of the building. The web expanded to cover the width of the street, building to building, over the heads of the crowd. They ducked as Peter shot the webbing and the boy slammed into it, only to bounce back up just like he would on a trampoline.

Peter landed on his feet and lurched upward into the air. The boy was safe and Peter could move on. He swung to a new location as a man shouted, "You're the dude, Spider-Man!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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