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Team Spider-Man try their plan, but it goes askew.


sorry not sorry






The next Monday was when the plan would start. Even with the weekend giving them more time to flesh it out, they still thought of it as a shot in the dark. And their goal? Well, how do you fight the darkness?

School was bleaker than any one of them could remember. Sure, the people still chugged on and continued about their life but somehow in some way the topic of conversation would shift over to all of the bombings happening throughout the city. The kids tried their best to put on their brave faces and joke about it but Peter could see their tired faces and the bewilderment in their eyes. They were just as scared as he was. They wouldn't know what place would be next and if they would be in it.

The morning announcements tried to lighten up the mood but boy, did they choose a piss poor way of doing so. Although rigid and awkward, the two anchors sat as straight as poles with a forced smile on their faces as they spoke. "Who do you think is New York's coolest superhero?" one of them asked and pictures of the heroes in the city were shown: Iron Man, Paradox or Spider-Man. Guess who was dead last? Peter chewed on his bottom lip and forced himself to look away from the monitor. He couldn't believe the amount of bad press Spider-Man had been getting ever since Paradox arrived at the scene and blamed him for every misfortune that happened. Peter didn't understand why he would do this but he would find out today.

Flash, in particular, was feeling a little bleak. It was out of character for him- that is true- but he liked to express his feelings in his own twisted way. "Hey, yo, Parker!" Flash called his name from down the hallway, making Peter stop in his tracks beside Ned. They exchanged glances, both of them not in the mood to deal with Flash's annoying rhetoric but Peter still turned toward Flash as a response.

Flash jogged up to them and then realized that the effort he made was too much. His eyes darted to the sides, checking to see if anyone noticed what he had done before he clenched his jaw, rubbing his thumb across his jawline. "So, uh, you know Spider-Man," he stated.

Oh boy, not this again. Peter nodded. "Yeah?"

"Alright, cool, cool..." Flash hesitated, once again looking around to see anyone eavesdropping.

Ned rolled his eyes. "Man, are you gonna say something or what?"

Flash sent a quick glare to Ned before he shook his head. He stepped closer to them, lowering his voice so they could hear only. "Yeah, um, so what's the deal with the guy? There are all these bombings all over the city and your boy has done jack. What gives? Can you talk to him?"

Peter's eye twitched. He wanted nothing more to just yell out that he wasn't the bad guy here, that he was doing his best to help out the city and its people. But it was just so damn hard with Paradox just ruining the image of him after he worked so hard to be the neighborhood's friendly Spider. "Flash," he cleared his throat, trying his best to contain the resentment in his tone, "Spider-Man has been working nonstop about the bombings." "Yeah but like, that Paradox guy is doing all of the work and Spider-Man is getting the heat." When Flash saw the astonished looks on their faces, he groaned. "All I'm asking for, Parker, is to check in with your guy. I guess we need him." He squeezed his eyes shut quickly but then shook his head. "You know what? Never mind, forget I said anything. Go choke, Penis Parker." Flash shoulder-checked Peter as he stomped away and disappeared around the corner.

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