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Tom 3P:
Tom was very happy that Zendaya was his partner. She was the perfect style he wanted in a partner.

After class was done, Bella came up to Tom.
"So, Tom do you like your partner?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"I'm just curious."
"Well I am happy with my partner. I know what your trying to do,I'm not switching my partner for you, Bella."
Tom quickly ran away to catch up with his partner, Zendaya.

He found her right in the hall.
"Hey, Zendaya!"
"Hi, Tom. Remember you can call me Z or Daya."
"Oh right I forgot, so I wanted to talk about the dance we have to do."
"Yeah sure."
"So, Ms. Mac didn't say if we are practicing or not during class but even if we do, we should still make days to practice."
"That sound great. We shouldn't book the dance studio during the weekend that's probably when everyone will go, so let's book for the week days instead. What days are you free?"
"I'm usually free on Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Friday's."
"I'm pretty much free every day so those days work for me."
They both let out a little laugh.
"Great it's settled! We should probably exchange phone numbers, so just in case one of us can't make it."
"Yeah, yeah"
Tom and Z exchange phone number. Tom added his phone number and he decided to take a profile pic for the contact as well.
Zendaya heard the click from her phone.
"What did you do?"
"You can't have a contact without a picture for them, duh."
"Fine, I'll take one for yours than too."
"Wait I just met for the other persons!"
Zendaya giggled at that then took a really quick photo of her and handed Tom, his phone.
" There, done"
"Oh, wow! You look gorgeous in this  photo!"
"Are you calling me gorgeous?"
"What! No! I should go!"
Tom quickly walked away.

Shoot! I still have her phone!

Tom again quickly walked back.
"Here's your phone! See later!"
Before Z could say anything Tom was gone.

I just made a complete  fool out of myself, that's great!

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