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Tom 3P:

I did not expect that to happen.

Tom woke up next to Z. He tried not to wake her up. He threw on his t-shirt, pants and shoes. He didn't want to leave without a goodbye.

Tom pulled the blanket over top Z.  Z woke up.

"You're leaving."

"Yeah a got some stuff to do."

"Okay, we're not going to talk about last night to anyone or talk about it again. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah. See ya later."

Tom said as he was about to walk out then he turned around and kissed Z's forehead before leaving.

That was a good idea, right?

Tom went to his dorm, got changed into freash clothes and headed out.

Tom thought the one of the  best ways to get ready for the day was to dance but before that it's always food first.

Tom quickly got breakfast and and picked up a few things before going back.

Harrison called Tom.

"Hey, man!" Tom happily said.

"Hey, I have a big surprise for You!"

"What! Is it a car, shoes!"

"No I'm in New York!"

"Really! Where?"

"Well I'm still driving to New York but I'll be there in about an hour."

"Okay, I got to do some stuff before you come do you know where to come?"

"I'll be good man. See ya in a bit."

"Yup. See ya."

Tom hung up. He was so happy that Harrison was coming.

For the past few months Tom has been trying to save money to go back home during the winter break but now he doesn't have to.

After he was done his stuff he got up and quickly went back to school.

Tom came back for breakfast and went straight to the dance studio.

Tom was walking to the door to get in and heard crying from inside.

Tom slowly walked in to see Bella sitting on the floor balling her eyes out.

Tom put his bag down and walked up to her.

"Bella, what happen?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Did you need the studio, I can leave."

"You're not going to leave until you tell me why your crying."

Bella let out a heavy sigh.

"I just found out an hour ago my mom was in a car accident and may have life thentren injuries. Also she may not make it though."

After hearing that Tom didn't see Bella as a rude ex girlfriend now he saw her as a sad poor girl.

"I'm so sorry. Can you see her?" Tom said as he sat next to Bella.

"I don't have enough money to go see her because i used it on that stupid dress, plus she almost 3 hours away from here."

"What if I pay for you to get a taxi and go see her."

Tom was trying to save money for a trip back to home but since Harrison's here there was no point of the money and plus he didn't really need anything.

"No. You can't  act all nice to me because all I've ever done was be mean or rude."

"But Bella you need to do this. You need to see your mom."

"They said she doesn't have much time to live. I don't want to go there and find out she's gone."

"Then you better leave quickly."

"The last thing I said to her was I'll never forgive her."

"I've met your mom she is so nice I bet she will just want to spend how much long she as with You."
Tom said as he put his hand over Bella for comfort.

Bella look at Tom.

"You were always the nicest one out of us."


"No, Thank you."

They sat there a little long and then Bella did the unbelievable.

She kissed Tom.

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