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Tom 3P:

Shit. What are we going to do.

Tom felt like everything was falling down right in front of him.

He turned on his mini tv in his dorm while he was changing his clothes.

The news channel was on.

"This ballet dancer broke her foot and
was told she was to never dance again, but her mother ,an engineer, found a way."

Tom walked over to the tv to change it, then he saw a girl doing ballet on the screen but she was attached to the ceiling by wires in a harness.

A giant lightbulb just went off in Tom's head.

"That's a perfect idea. Z can do it like that! I have to tell her in the morning!"


Tom woke up around 8am and went straight to his phone.

💙Tom💙:Hey love! I know it's early but I figured out the perfect way for u to do our dance! Text when I can come see u!

About 20 minutes later Z texted him back.

💞Z💞: Come as fast as u can.

Tom was in the middle of eating cereal. When he saw this he dropped his spoon, put on shoes and speed walked to Z's.


"What happen! Who do i have to fight!"

"Clam down first of all! China is still sleeping in the next room."

"Why are you walking around you should be in bed?"

"I'm scared, Tom."

"Why, darling?"

Tom heart was pounding. He didn't know what she was talking about.

"I had this nightmare of me, you, Bella and Ms.Mac ."

Z sat down in her desk chair.

"Ms. Mac was telling me I wasn't the same, I wasn't good enough anymore, that I can't do it anymore."

Z's eyes were shining up.

And so was Tom's.

"Then she put Bella in my place...."

She paused for a moment.

"With you, Tom"

By this time Z was starting to cry her eyes out.

Tom cupped  Z's  face.

"No. I'd never dance with anyone else, Zendaya. You are not replaceable, no one and I mean no one can take your place. Not in dance, not in the world, and definitely not in my heart."

Tom started to cry as he said those words.

She wouldn't  look up to his face.

Then Tom just went for it.

He kissed her.

Sorry this took so long to make and I'm sorry you guys had to wait. I just haven't been to into this for I while and I have ALOT of school work but  I'm going to try to be back at the book. Also I found the idea for the wires when I remembered an episode of Austin and Ally on Disney channel. I hope you guys liked this chapter I found it very cute towards the end.
Thanks for reading!😊

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