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Harrison 3P:

It's been three days since Z and Tom made up.

But for Harrison it was more like three days of doing nothing.

For the few day I've been here, all Tom has done is text, call or have a small talk with me.

Tom and Z have been very busy with their start of the here dance project.

That it leaves Harrison to think it was a bad idea to come.

"I should text him. I think it's his lunch right now anyways."

He said to himself.

Hey man. Do you want to grab lunch?

Hey, sorry I can't. I promised Jacob I would help him with a project. I have to go. Talk later.

Okay. That's fine I'll just stay in again. Bye.

"Why did I even bother coming if he doesn't have time to hang out."

Harrison said as he waited for his pizza to come to Tom's dorm.

"Well I'm still here till Monday. Maybe we can have a dudes weekend like we used to when we were teens!"

Harrison picked up his phone and texted Tom.

Hey! I just got a great idea. We should have one of our dude weekends before I go. What do you think?

Read at 1:37

He read it and no anwser back.

This isn't the Tom I know. He would have loved to have one of our dude weekends.

"Pizza delivery for Harrison!"

Harrison put his phone on the bed and opens the door and got the pizza.

Harrison sat at the table.

By himself.

All alone.

Without Tom.


Tom walked in the room, smiling, and laughing to himself.


Harrison sat on Tom's bed on the computer.

"Did you get my text?"

Harrison asked still looking at the computer.

"Let me check."

Tom pull out his phone and checked it.

"No. Just the text about lunch."

"You're lying I know I sent those texts to you!"

Harrison's voice rose a bit louder.

He got up from the bed to face Tom

"I didn't get anything!"

"You're such lair!"

"Check your phone."

Harrison put out his phone went on his most recent text message.

"Look you read it and didn't say anything!"

"Harrison that isn't me that's Harry."

"What? No it's you- it's Harry."

Harrison let's out a sigh and sat down on the bed.

"You've been acting weird mate. What's wrong?" Tom asked him as he sat down beside Harrison.

"I've been here for a few days and all you've done is go to school which you have too and hang out with Z and Jacob. You leave me here thinking I'll be fine. But I'm bored and sad and you don't have good food."

"Harrison. Why didn't tell me before?"

"Every time I tried we end up talking about you and your stuff."

"Tomorrows the weekend. How bout we do a bro weekend like we did when we were teens?"

"That's what I want to do this weekend!"

Harrison was so excited.

"Wait I thought you had something with Jacob."

"I did. But I can just tell him I can't do it."

Tom smiled at his firend.

This is going to be the best weekend ever!

Harrison thought.

- A/N

I will not be posting as much because school is starting tomorrow but I will try my best to post once a week. I really hope you guys liked this part. I thought Harrison should have a say in the book😁
Comment "🤙" if you would like me to start a Spider man book/ Michelle & Peter book !!

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