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Bella 3P:


Tom backed away quickly right when he realized Bella's lips where on his.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't even realized what I was doing. I was just caught up in the moment! I get it if you don't want to give me money anymore."

Tom sighed.

I'm such an idiot.

"I'm still going to give you money. You need it more than I do anyways. We're not going to talk about what happen between us to anyone, okay."

"Yeah, okay."


Tom grabbed about 200 dollars from his wallet and handed it to Bella.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure."

Tom grabbed his stuff and walked out.

After everything I've done to him. He still has the biggest heart.

Bella got a taxi to go to the hospital where her mom was about and hour after her chat with Tom.

She quickly got in to the hospital.

She walked to the room where her mom was.


She was awake.

Bella stayed at the hospital for most of the day.


Bella walked in and saw Z. She didn't look to happy. She walked up to her.

"I can't believe I thought you really stopped." Z told her then walked away.

It took Bella a little bit to figure out but after a while she finally realized what Z meant.


"Crap. Crap. Crap." Bella knew she had to tell Tom before Tom had to figure out Z saw them.

Bella ran like she had never before all the way to Tom's dorm.

"Tom open the door!" Bella yelled as she banged on his door.

"What is it Bella?"

"Something bad happened and you need to know!"

"Okay come inside."

"Okay, first of all my mom is doing great second of all Zendaya saw us kiss and third of all I'm FREAKING OUT!!" Bella said so fast Tom almost didn't hear her.

"No. Shit. How do you know for sure?"

"Z came up to me and said 'I can't believe I thought you really stopped.' And it took me awhile to figure out but now I know she saw us!"

Knock knock.

"You have to hide. I don't know if it's Z or not." Tom whispered to Bella.


"In the closet?"

Bella quickly ran to the closet.

Tom opened the door.



Tom and hugged Harrison.

"I thought you were coming 2 hours ago?"

"I was but I stopped somewhere."

"How did you even get here? Didn't you say you didn't have enough money to come to NYC?"

"Well, your new girlfriend paid for me fly over here to see you. She said you really missed me. You were going to come see me in England and that's why you got a new job to pay for a flight but now you don't! Also she felt bad you never get to see me that much anymore."

Tom's face went completely pale when he heard Harrison say that.

He kissed a girl.

She brings his best friend to see him.

Bella could hear Tom and Harrison talking. When she heard that, she let out a tiny gasp.

But loud enough for Harrison to hear.

"What was that-"


Bella said before Tom could.

"Oh Lord." Tom said shaking his head.

Harrison walked over to where Bella was.

He opened the door.


"Good to see you too Harrison! Got to go. BYE!"

Bella was about to walk away then Harrison grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

"I can't believe you Tom! You cheated on me!" Harrison said.

"It's not what it looks like."

Harrison knew it wasn't what it looked like but he knew Tom. Tom wouldn't hang out with Bella alone like this.

Also Bella was hiding in the  closet which made it a tiny bit suspicious and weird.

"Both of you sit and explan to me what this is."

Bella looked at Tom.

He nodded.

"Okay, here's the story...."

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