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Z 3P:

What if it doesn't work.

What if the wire breaks.

What if I can't remember the choreography.

What if I'm scared of what will happen.

All of these thoughts ran though Z's head as Tom was explaining what they were going to do for the dance assignment.

Z's was afraid of asking questions like "What happens if it breaks?" Or "will it still be the same", because she didn't want to seem like she didn't want to do it.

"So what do you think? If you think it is too much work or anything it really isn't, me and Jacob are pretty handy we would be able to do it."

Before even thinking really about Z said

"Let's do this!"
She said as she stood up.

"Oh can't stand up."
And she went back straight to sitting down.

"Great! I'll have to tell Ms. Mac about it and principal to see if we can do it and talk to Jacob to see if he is up to making the wires too."

Tom said as he pulls out his phone.

Z was breathing pretty heavily and her other good foot was bouncing up and down.

Tom noticed.

"Are you sure your okay, Z?"

"Yeah, totally, why?"

"Just you seem a bit nervous or anxious."

"I'm not, I'm perfectly okay Tom."
She said as she grabbed her crutches and walked to the other side of the room.

"Okay I'm going to talk to Jacob. If you need anything call me, I'm not going to leave campus today by the way."

Tom was about to leave then he turned around and walked over to Z.

"I love you, bye."
Tom said as he kissed Z's cheek

Wait! Has he ever said "I love you" to me before?

Z was so surprised and shocked.

Then she heard a really loud yawn.

China is finally awake.

"Sleeping beauty finally awake?"

"Ya, ya. Sorry I woke up so late I was watching Netflix late last night and i forgot about time."

"It's fine at least to did it now not a school night."

"So Tom was over here? I heard you guys talking but didn't bother waking up?"

"I needed to tell him something and he actually needed to tell me something too. I told him about this weird dream i had last night. He wanted to tell me a way we took still do our dance without me actually putting any weight on to my ankle. Also he told me he loved me too."

"HE WHAT?!?!"
China said as she spat out her coffee on the table.
"Great now I have to clean up."

"He said it, I would not expect that yet."

"I know I wasn't ready for it either."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything he left before I could."

"Are you going to say you love him next time you see him?"

"I really don't know. Plus I shouldn't even be worried about that I should be worried about the dance not words that people use all the time?"

"Z. What happens if he knows he said it and he did want you to say it next time then what?"

"I just won't see him easy as that!"

"It's really not! You understand he will be checking up on you all the time now because of your ankle."

"No, you're right! What I'm a suppose to do, just say it?"

"Daya. You have to learn how you really feel about Tom. You guys have been dating for a while and you guys have a strong connection from my eyes. But it really all up to you."

China said as she walked to the bathroom.

I hate it when she is right.

How I am i going to say...

I love you.

Hey guys sorry this took me forever! But alot of tomdaya stuff is actually happening so it's kinda inspiring me to do more and be more active with this book. I'll try to post at least once a month but in the summer I'll try to post once every two weeks! Hope you liked this cute little chapter!😄

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