Chapter 5

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Omg I'm excited over 100 reads yay!! But I'm still editing lol. But for now I will post this new chapter which may need to be updated soon as well lol. As always happy reading. Also you guys should go check out this awesome story chain that was started like a week ago. I'm having a blast and it's a great way to meet some cool people on here.  It's called Story Chains by RuthXanadu I'm sure you guys will have fun go check it out.
I really didn't expect for all of this to happen to me. I was really hoping that I would be able to move on from this. I'm just hoping that when I open my eyes that it was all bad dream.

I slowly start to open my eyes and a bright light shines in them making my headache worse.

I close my eyes again whining because I just want to be able to see.

I groan, "Can someone turn off the lights please. It's hurting my eyes."

I hear someone walking across the room to switch off the lights. I smile thankful for the relief. Those lights were really annoying me.

"You can open your eyes now."

Wait I recognize that voice. I slowly open my eyes again and smile when I do see that the lights are off. I look around the room and notice that I'm in the hospital.

In the corner I see a shape of a man sitting in a chair. I quickly shift in the bed scared now because the last thing I remember is being attacked by my ex. And seeing that he likes to pop up out of no where I'm afraid it may be him.

I hear a dark chuckle, " Don't worry Passion it's not who you think it is."

I see him stand up and he starts walking towards the bed. Once he's up close my jaw basically drops to the floor.


"I assume you would like to know why I'm here in the room with you?"

I shake my head speechless. Mr. Mystery I mean Lamar Pierce is standing next to me in all his hot glory. Is he the one that saved me?

"Who was that man that was attacking you? All the shouting interrupted the meeting I was holding."

"That was my ex-boyfriend. He was umm upset."

I smile at him hoping that he'll let the subject go, but with my previous encounter with him I'm sure he's going to push the subject.

He glares at me, "He seemed more than upset. From where I was standing he was going to kill you."

"From where I was standing he looked liked he was really upset and just wanted to argue."

"Are you really going to play this game?"

"Are you really going to continue to pry into business that isn't yours?"

"You are my buis!...." He runs his hands through his hair an sighs, " Look when I walked in you were almost passed out on the ground. He had his gun out and ready to take your life. I simply couldn't allow it. So I stepped in to save you. The least you could do is thank me for that."

"I didn't ask for you to save me!......just like I didn't ask for you to pay for my meal!"

"Really that's what you want to talk about after being attacked?"

I roll my eyes at him, "No, right now I would like to be left alone just for a minute without you breathing my air. If you want to know what happened you will find out from the police report that I'm sure you'll be able to look at seeing as you're the mayor " I snapped at him.

He smirks at me which only annoys me further, "Fine I'll leave you alone for a minute than."

Next thing I know he walks out of my room and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Why was he at my job in the first place? It's just a law firm. What could he possibly be doing there?

God I'm so exhausted. These past couple of days have really put a toll on me, and it's all thanks to Jerome. God why does he have to be so difficu..

"Did you have your minute to breath?"

You have got to be shitting me! When did he walk back in here?

"What the hell are you doing back in here? I said to leave me alone."

"Yes, but only for a minute."

He starts laughing and I'm over her fuming. He really thinks this is a joke? I'm not in the mood for this. What is his deal with me?

Giving up I ask, "What do you want?"

He smirks at me and says, "You."


"Oh my God Passion you're okay I was so worried." Crystal runs into the room with the police and a doctor behind her. She embraces me in a tight hug.

"Crystal I kinda can't breath get your fat ass off me."

She laughs, "I'm fat and you have a smart ass mouth so you can suck it. I'm just glade to know that you're okay. I can't believe Jerome would try and kill you. God he's lucky I wasn't there."

"I'm kinda glad that you weren't there. He said if I made a scene he would not only kill me but everyone in the office."

Crystal lets me go and frowns, "Well I'm just glad that it's over and you were saved."

I smile at her, "I'm glad to."

She squeezes my hand and smiles at me in a I'm here for you kind of way, then she looks up and her eyes get big.

Crystal whispers to me, "Is that who I think it is?'

I rolled my eyes at her. I'm surprised my eyes haven't got stuck in the back of my head yet.

Lamar smirks at her, "It's nice to see you again as well."

"Excuse me I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion but there are a couple of things that I need to discuss with my patient. If you all could please go to the waiting room and wait there I would greatly appreciate it."

Crystals looks at me worried I know she wants to stay.

"My friend Crystal can stay in the room but Lamar needs to leave."

I cut my eyes at him and he smirks at me getting the hint that I don't want him around anymore. He makes his way to the door and opens it but before he leaves he turns around and says, " Till next time Ms. Bryce."

What the hell how does he know my full name? I swear this guy is creeping me out more and more.

Crystal nudges me in my side, "Oh I see the mayor has the hots for someone." She giggles and I poke her in her arm to tell her to stop.

I actually don't know why he keeps showing up around me. I do know one thing though he said he wanted me. I wonder what for.

Happily Never After  #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now