Chapter 7

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"Now that's better isn't it? Lets talk, please have a seat " Lamar says to me as I walk into the living room still pinning up my hair to keep the curls from out of my face.

"No I think I'll stand. Besides this is my house, whatever it is that you have to say you can say while I'm handling business" I say with an attitude.

"There's no need for you to be snappy Passion I simply just want to talk."

" What do you mean there's no reason for me to be snappy? You busted down my door.."

He raises his hands in surrender, "I thought you were dead or trying to kill yourself."

I narrow my eyes at him, " Do not interrupt me" I say pointing my finger at him. He drops his hands and places one arm on the the side of the armrest and crosses his legs.

Tilting his head to the left he says, "Well Ms. Passion if you want me too, I will be glad to fix the door for you."

" Oh you have no choice, you're the one that broke it in the first place. Now what do you want? And it better be a good reason to since it caused you to kick down my door." I cross my arms across my chest and sit on the armrest of my love seat. I narrow my eyes at him to let him know that I mean business.

"I want you to work for me."

"You want me to work for you?" I say while tilting my head and pointing my finger towards myself and him.

"Yes. It's that simple."

"Ha! do you really take me as a fool? I say sarcastically, " What do you really want?"

"I told you Passion I. Want. You. To. Work. For. Me. Period." He narrows his eyes at me, and I can tell that he's getting annoyed with me. This is good maybe he'll leave.

"Look Ambassador.."


"Superintendent. You know nothing about me. What makes you think I'll work for you?"

He stands up and stalks towards me, "Passion why do you think I was at your job the day you were attacked? Not only am I the mayor but I'm also a business man. I bought the company you work for. Now a lot of your colleagues do not agree with this so I gave them the option to either stay or go. I was thinking of giving you that option, but seeing as how we both like each other and already have a history, you will be staying, and I want you to work for me as my personal assistant."

He's now standing only two inches away from me. I'm staring at him in disbelief. He said we both like each other? That's funny I don't remember agreeing to that. Then he bought our company and I now work for him? And to top it off he's saying I have no choice if I want to stay or not. Not only that he wants me to be his maid?

Right now Im fuming. If I was a little bit brighter my face would be turning red by how pissed of I am.

I stand and take two steps away from him. Taking a deep breath to calm down I say, " Who the hell do you think you are? You are not my master nor am I your slave. How dare you walk into my house and tell me that I have no choice for my own life. I think it's best if you walk out of my house right now before I call the police on you."

I stopped right there because if I was to say anything else I might just end up fighting him and right now I need him gone before I throw this lamp next to me at his head.

He chuckles and crosses his arms. " If you decide to not work for me I will make sure that the company will not pay off your medical bills."

My mouth drops open, "What you can't do that I have every right to that coverage. I don't make enough to cover that whole bill. Having that insurance will at least take care of half of it for me!"

He yells, " Then work for me and I'll make sure its fully covered. Take note Ms. Bryce I don't like being told no. I always get what I want."

He's standing closer to me now that I can feel the heat radiating from his body. I want to take a step back but I also don't want to show my fear of him in front of him. What should I say to him. I know that I wouldn't be able to pay the medical bills off with what I have right now. Do I just suffer and work for him or do I suffer and lose everything I've worked hard for now?

He breathes in deeply and grabs a strand of my hair like he did when he was in the bathroom with me. "I'll take your silence as a yes Passion, and I think you have made a very wise choice."

He lets go of my hair and walks over to the door to leave. He stops in front of my door that he broke down, "I'll send someone to fix this door for you I expect to see you at work tomorrow morning, seven sharp and no later. Is that understood."

I'm still standing there with a dumb expression on my face not saying anything.

"I said is that understood Ms. Bryce!" The tone in his voice that time sent chills down my spine but also sent a warning to me to answer him now.

Pulling my shoulders back and my head up facing his direction I say, " Seven sharp I'll be there."

He smiles and says, "I know you will because my driver will be here to pick you up in the morning. Oh and hey don't forget about this wouldn't want you late on your first day back now would we." 

He tosses me a small white device and I look at my hands and notice it's my phone. I look up at him shocked that he has it and wondered how did he find it.

He tilts his head and smirks at me. "I found it at your table after you left with your friend. So I decided to keep it until I saw you next time, but you were in the hospital so I thought this time would be perfect. He smiles at me and turns his back to me ready to walk out.

When he leaves my house I let out the gush of air I was holding in. I look down and see that my door is still on the floor when he walked out. I run towards my window and open it to yell at him as he gets in his car.

" Hey you ass, you could of at least picked up my door when you walked out!" He shows me his middle finger and then drives of laughing.

*******Thanks for reading this far. If you love the story so far let me know by tapping the star button and also don't forget to comment and share. I hope everyone had a good Fourth of July and got to spend time with your friends and loved ones. As always happy reading 😊******

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