Chapter 6

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Hello again!! So Surprise, Surprise it's two updates in one day!! It's not long but I enjoyed putting it together. I promise that the next chapter will be longer.

It's been a few days since the whole incident with my ex. I told the police everything that they needed to know in order to catch Jamal. Apparently he made bail and decided once he got out to leave the state. So now there's a manhunt going on to find him.

I'm still shocked that he was even allowed to make bail with what he did. I mean he basically took me as a hostage, then threaten to kill everyone in the building if I didn't listen. I'm not going to lie I'm scared right now. He can walk in here undetected and kill me when ever he wants; but knowing that he's not in the state of California right now brings some type of relieve to me.

Sinking further into the tub, I decide to not worry about it to much. Let the police handle it. Right now I'm just happy to be back home, in my tub, relaxing in this nice hot bubble bath, letting the hot water take my stress away from a very stressful week.


A knock at my front startles me causing water to splash to the bathroom floor. Feeling groggy, I hear a voice at the front door.

"Passion? Passion are you in there?"

Maybe if I ignore them they will go away, I really don't want to be bothered with right now.

I hear them knock one more time, then a minute goes by. Thank God I thought they would never leave. I close my eyes again ready to fall back asleep. I know I should get out the water but I'm to lazy to do that right now. Just as I'm about to drift off I hear a loud crash, which causes me to jump and almost fall out the tub.

"Passion! Are you in here where are you?"

I stay still praying that if they don't here any movement then maybe they will leave and noticed that breaking down my door was unnecessary. Of course that didn't happen, because I hear footsteps getting closer to the bathroom door.

I grab the nearest thing to me for protection. A wash cloth? Really Passion what the hell is a wash cloth going to protect you from. I sigh, this sucks I'm going to die, in my tub, naked.

Naked! Oh shit that's right! But it was to late because the intruder barges right into my bathroom.


I scream covering my breast and closing my eyes tight, hoping that I disappear just like the genies do in the movies. When it's quite I peek with one eye and see Lamar standing there with a huge grin on his face.

"Get out!," I scream at him and at the same time throw my wash cloth, the only thing that was protecting some of my precious goods away from his needy eyes.

He dodges my towel and folds his arms, "Why didn't you answer the door when I knocked?"

I look around in the bathroom still trying to understand why the hell is he in my bathroom, in my house.

"Passion I asked you a question. I though you were dead. You know your ex is still out there, you need to be careful."

I look up at him with a smug look on my face bringing my knees up to my chest in the tub I yell, "Lamar what are you doing in my house in my damn bathroom? That's what I really want to know. Now if you would please leave so I can get dressed that would be nice."

He raises his eyebrows at me as if he's had a thought. I squint my eyes at him, "What are you thinking about?"

He smiles at me and says, "Nothing you need to worry about. I'll be out in front when you're done."

I watch as he grabs my body towel while walking out of the bathroom. My mouth is hanging wide open in shock. I send daggers to the back of his head mad that I now have nothing to cover myself once I get out the tub.

Once he fully out I drain the cold water out and step onto the cold tile beneath me, shivering in the process. I don't know what possessed me to stay in the bath tube this long anyway. Looking for something to cover myself with I come across...nothing. Absolutely nothing!

Why did I think it was a good idea to keep all the towels in my room? Well I do live by myself, and I don't really have company over except for when Crystal comes here. Other than that I don't really have the need to walk around my house covered.

That's right I love to walk around my house naked. Now I just need to make it out the bathroom and cross the living room to my room undetected.

But now that option is closed because Mr high and mighty wants to break down peoples doors and barge into bathrooms that don't belong to him. you know what? No I'm not changing who or what I do in my place. I decide that I'm going to act like he's not here and walk out with my head up high at go to my room. Heck this is my house and he can't come in here changing the rules like he own the place.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and walk out in all my glory towards my room. As I get close to the living room my confidence starts to waver. Nervous as hell right now, but I'm not giving up. I need to show him that I'm not afraid of him.

"Well it's about time you came ou....?"

He stops talking, which lets me know that he has noticed that I just walked out my bathroom naked and unafraid.

But I wasn't prepared to hear him laugh as I'm walking by. This causes me to stop and turn fully towards him.

"What the hell is so funny?" I say with a embarrassed tone.

It's never good when a women walks out naked and a man just laughs. I'm highly embarrassed right now.

He stands to his feet and starts walking towards me, which causes me to drop to my knees in the fetal position covering myself. My confidence has fully left me.

"Don't cover yourself now. I was enjoying the view actually. You just surprised me that's all. Being the mayor and all, a lot of women have offered to show themselves to me; but I must say that so far your's the best view I've seen so far" he says in a cocky manner.

He is such a dick. Who just goes around comparing women bodies like that? Heck who remembers what every women's body looks like?

I pull my knees closer to my body to shield my self from him the closer he gets to me. He stops right in front of me and drops down to my level. He reaches out to me and I close my eyes scared that he's going to hurt me, but instead he takes one of my wet curls from my hair and twists it around his fingers.

The gentle gesture caused me to catch my breath as I felt a warmth spread through my body as he played with my hair. I look up at him captivated in his eyes again. He smiles at me and says, " Go get changed and this time don't walk out until your are completely covered."

I stare at him in bewilderment thinking about what he just said and the next thing I know I respond with an, "Okay."

He grabs my towel and places it around my shoulders as I stand to my feet.

I turn around and walk towards my room flustered at what just happened.

As soon as I close my room door I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. What is going on with me. My plan completely flopped. I was suppose to take control of this situation but in the end he controlled me.

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