Chapter 8

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The feelings of a warm touch frolicked across my skin releasing tensions in my body from sleeping on my side. Slowly opening my eyes, I realize the sun is out and is stretching it's light out across my room. I can tell it'll be a beautiful sunny day today.  Reaching up, I stretch my body out across my bed yawning then relaxing back into my pillow. While taking a deep breath, everything that happened the other day came rushing back into my mind. I can't believe today I'll be working with the mayor. Hell I didn't even vote for him. Well I actually didn't vote for anyone, but even if I knew he was running I wouldn't of voted for him anyway.

Reaching for my phone and looking at the time, I notice that it's five-thirty in the morning. Which means I only have about thirty minutes to an hour to be ready before Mr. Pierces driver gets here. Sighing I rolled over on my back in my queen sized bed and pulled my white duvet plush covers closer to my body. Looking up at my ceiling I reach up to grab my bonnet off my head, only to realize that it was no longer there. Frowning I roll over to my side to lean over the edge of my bed and notice a piece of purple fabric sticking out from under the bed. Once again my bonnet fails me and decided to vacate its duty of protecting my curls. Rolling my eyes I quickly grab it and place it on my nightstand. Today just doesn't feel like it'll go as planned. I really don't want to go to work today I'm sure my new position at is going to be a pain.

My phone rings and I hear my favorite song, "Milkshake" by Kelis playing. I roll back over and answer the phone without checking the caller id first. With a groggy voice I answer saying, " yea this is Passion."A deep voice answers saying, "I hope this is not how you will answer the phone in my office, cause if so I'll need to retrain you."

I realize it's Mr. Pierce and decided to hang up my phone not really ready to speak to him. Instead I connected my phone to its charger seeing as it had only a twelve percent life span left. I rolled out the bed to grab my towel and my robe and walk out my room towards the bathroom.
While crossing my kitchen I notice movement coming from living room area; which startles me causing me to drop my towel and robe. Turning towards my intruder I scream, " What the hell are you doing in my house?"

The intruder stands and turns around while fixing his suit jacket.  I then notice that it's Mr. Pierce! I close my eyes thinking I was just being delusional and decided to count to ten before I decided I was going crazy. When I open my eyes, Mr. Pierce is standing two inches away from me. Jumping back I collide into the island in my kitchen causing excruciating pain. With one hand on the island and the other on my back I slowly fall onto my knees trying to gather myself and slow my beating heart from being frightened. I glare up at Mr. Pierce pissed because he's the cause of my pain right now. He glares right back at me, but slowly his expression starts to change and I hear a deep chuckle emerge from his chest.

"What the hell so funny? You just scared the hell out of me."

He dust some lint off his shoulder and say, "Ms. Bryce you seem a little jumpy today. May I ask why?", he laughs knowing good damn and well why I jumped in the first place. I slowly pick my self up off the floor grabbing my towel and robe in the process. I quickly try and brush past him but he grabs me by my left arm and turns me forcefully towards him saying, " Where do you think you're going in a hurry, I don't remember giving you permission to walk away from me."

I try to yank my arm away from him, but he has a firm grip on my arm. Every time I try to pull away from him his grip gets tighter which is really starting to piss me off. So I decided to use my right hand to slap him across the face.

He looks shocked as if no ones ever laid a hand on him before.

Glaring at him is say, "How dare you! How dare you think just because you have money you can just have whoever or whatever you want. How dare you think that just because you have control of the company that it gives you the right to walk into your employees home and do whatever the fuck you want? I pause to take a breath but notice that he was about to say something but I cut him off before he could say anything.

Pointing my finger into his chest I say, "I may be your assistant but I'm not some regular bitch that you think you can just run over. Look Mr. Pierce it's clear that we both don't like each other but if we're going to work together you need to learn first how to respect me and my privacy, and understand that you can't just control or get everything you want. And how the fuck did you get into my house?"

I take another deep breath realizing that I just exhausted myself with all the yelling I just did. I notice that he begins to release my left arm, and I begin to feel the blood rush back down my arm and into my fingertips. I look up at him and realize that he is staring at me with his piercing dark eyes. Again, I shiver involuntary out of worry and fear for my life and career realizing I just slapped and yelled at the mayor of this city. What was I thinking. Well clearly nothing, because now Mr. Pierce is staring at me like he wants to drain the life out of me.

I turn around to try and make a run for my bathroom but as fast as I turned around Mr. Pierce meets me with greater speed and blocks my way. How did he do that? I turn back around facing where he just was, and back to where he is now confused because I could of sworn he was just behind me. He takes one step towards me as if he was going to grab me again, but stops as if he was restraining himself.Neither of us says anything. It's so quiet in my house I swear we would hear a mouse fart. Well if I had any, but all I can hear is my heavy breathing and fast beating heart.

He opens his mouth to speak, but gets interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Of course his ringtone is something simple and boring, not fun and cool like mine. Glaring at me he reaches inside his suit pants and fishes his phone out to answer it.
"No everything is perfectly fine up here we'll be down in a couple of seconds."

There was a long pause and I use this time to actually check him out. Crossing my arms and leaning onto my right hip, I notice that he's wearing the usual black business shoes or as I like to call them church shoes. Moving my eyes further up his body I see that he's sporting a dark blue suit pants, a white button up and a dark blue suit jacket. I then notice that the suite he's wearing is Armani and I mentally congratulate him on having at least a since of style. I continue examining him and sooner than later my eyes meet up with his face and I notice that he's looking at me in amusement with a smirk playing across his lips. I quickly turn my face to the side embarrassed I was just caught checking him out.

While I'm mentally scolding myself he clears his throat to get my attention. I turn back facing him while he places his iPhone back into his pocket. Locking eyes with me he says, "That was my driver he was calling to make sure everything is alright and to also inform us that out time is short. It's six-fifteen now Mrs Pierce and as much as I would like to discuss what just happened, it seems we just don't have the time for that now. So with that you have only ten minutes to get ready as best you can so we won't be late. I have a meeting and I wouldn't want you getting fired because we weren't on time. Is that understood?"

I'm staring at him in disbelief. How would I be the one to make him late? All of this is his fault! I don't say anything, but the smirk on his face shows that he knows he's gotten to me.

He walks towards my door and again before he walks out he says, " I'll be waiting for you in the car, please don't keep me waiting long. Oh and don't think for a second that I've forgotten about your little tantrum and you slapping me. Trust your punishment will shortly come to you." And just like that he closes the door leaving me fuming to the core.

I really hope you guys are noting the story so far. Let me know by voting and commenting. As always happy reading.😊

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