CHAPTER 2: Into the Bermuda Triangle

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"Heather", is the only sound she can hear whispered before opening her eyes.

"Heather", a woman's voice seems to echo in her head.

After hearing it for a few times, she struggles to open her eyes.

When she does, the first thing to encounter is a woman, not very...human, if at all. Bald head, white-greyish skin, big-wide eyes, the color of them wasn't looked like purple. She seemed to be wearing a blank, argent suit covering her whole body, except her feet and palms. There was no gap in the neck, the suit continued up until her chin and back to her head, with only her face exposed. But on top of her bald head the suit appeared to be bifurcated, with branches going over her forehead. Maybe that's fashionable for aliens, I don't know.

Heather has no idea what to think of, what's more how to feel. Frightened? Calm? However, the alien woman seems nothing other than friendly, willing to help. She slowly stands up. Heather's vision follows her, she gazes behind the woman, around her...she takes notice of two more aliens, similar to the alien woman. The one is a man, and the other one...isn't very clear. They all look the same, she can hardly distinguish them.

She finds herself lying on the floor. The place looks so indescribable. Behind her she sees a space in the wall, like an open freezer but not like the ones on Earth. She sees the same left and right. The place is full of these. All of them have something like a protective glass on the outside but the one behind her appears to be broken. As if she broke it to get out of it. She takes a glimpse of the other freezers and on the inside of each she sees a person floating in some kind of water. They are all asleep.

The room is huge and the material of which it's made of does not look familiar to the young astronaut. She pulls her hand up from the floor and a shiny handprint is left there and then it starts fading away slowly. Her mouth empty of words. So the alien whose sex is unclear decides to brake the silence.

"Welcome back to Andromeda", the alien says with a very serene voice. Then continues:

"The place where you were created. You probably do not remember, but this...this is reality."

These three words this creature uttered emitted a huge wave of sudden shock to Heather. What does he mean reality? Then she coughs to reclaim her voice, since she overused it with the too much screaming earlier and she goes on:

"Right", she says hesitantly with a sarcastic tone, even tho aliens probably aren't familiar with the term 'sarcasm'. Without having any possible idea what the alien is talking about, she decides to take control of the situation and speak up. Demand answers.

"How - How do you know my name?"

The three aliens look at each other thoughtfully. Then the woman decides to answer.

"We are the ones who created you. The ones who created humanity", she pauses for a second and then she continues her speech. "All creators know their childrens' names." And then she smiles. She smiles with the warmest smile of all.

Heather didn't know what to think of first.

"Why am I here?" She gets up and steps back. Not frightened tho. Just...cautious. "I wanna go back!"

"You can't. You woke up from the simulation, Heather. You woke up before most of the people in your age group." The man leaves this sentence sink in her mind.

"Simul...", Heather starts breathing faster, she starts getting nervous. While breathing faster and faster she looks around, trying to realize what is happening and takes more notice of the people in the freezers still...sleeping.

Then the alien continues:

"You must be wondering why this happened."

Heather looks deep in the alien's eyes, whose color turns into a lighter shade of purple, and she nods.

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