~How You Guys Meet #3~

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A/N- HEY Y'ALL! HERE IS PART THREE! This one is for FERRIS! I love him so much XD 

It was a normal day at school.

Same old people.

Same old teachers.

Ferris Bueller not being at school.

What's new?

I've never met him but I've heard about him. I was the quiet type. I never really went to parties or talked to many people. I do have my group of friends and when I'm around them, I'm very talkative. I guess you could say I'm both an introvert and extrovert.

I walked to class and I was right. Ferris wasn't here since the teacher was calling our names out.

"Bueller.......Bueller........Bueller......" The teacher called out continuously.

I mentally face palmed. That teacher is dumb...

"Um, sir?" I said, raising my hand.

All attention was on me. I rarely spoke EVER so people were shocked that I was speaking.

"Yes, Ms.Y/L/N?" The teacher said. (Y/L/N means your last name if you didn't know)

"Um...I could give Ferris his homework?" I said as he nodded. Giving me his homework and mine. We had A LOT today.

I don't know why I decided to give him his homework. I guess I wanted to meet the guy.

Anyway that teacher hates us.

The day went on and I got all of his homework.

I asked one of his friends where he lived and they gave me the address. I had a reason to know where he lives!

I walked to his house after school and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I heard a voice.

I heard shuffling and soon the door opened.

"Oh! Y/N! What's up?" Ferris said, casually as he leaned against the doorframe.

He knows my name...

"Hey Ferris, I just had to come over and bring you your homework." I said, trying to keep my cool.

He did look pretty cute.

He was wearing a robe, his hair all ruffled. As if he just woke up from a nap.

He groaned but let me in.

"I was hoping I could have just a day to relax." He sighed as he shut the door.

I giggled a little.

He turned to me, grinning.

We sat there for a while, not sure what to say or do.

"So, what should we do? I mean, school's out, it's a beautiful day-" I was cut off by him.

"Movies! There is a new movie showing at around 6. Want to go with me?" He asked me as I blushed a little.

"Ferris, we have all this homework! Due tomorrow you know?" I said, laughing a little.

He groaned, again.

"Come on Y/N! We can work on it together later tonight or something. Just tonight. You. me at the movies. It'll be fun." He said, trying pretty hard to make me say yes.

"Okay! Thing is you better promise we get our homework done." I said, smiling.

Ferris cheered as he smiled too.

We exchanged numbers and I left to get ready.

When we went to the movies, Ferris was messing around with the people in front of us.

I was a little embarrassed at first but soon I joined in.

It was fun!

I think I'm going to start hanging out with Ferris more.

A/N- Sorry for this crappy Ferris imagine! I had writer's block!!! This is the final How You Guys Meet chapter FOR NOW! I hoped you guys enjoyed and all the love!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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