Love Galore

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The next morning I woke up to a major headache that disturb my sleep. I got up making my way to my medicine closet taking a Tylenol and washing it down with water. I cut on the news looking into the fridge to look for something to eat but wasn't nothing in there but leftovers from 3 nights ago.

I shook my head going to slide on some shorts and some sandals I grabbed my wallet and keys leaving out to grabbed either breakfast or groceries. I hopped into my sliver 2017 Audi pulling out my driveway cutting on my radio listening to Cardi B - Bodak Yellow. As the music blast I saw that I was getting tailgate by some asshole who can't drive to save his life and seconds later stopping at a red light the person in the other car hit me.

"Stupid who taught you how to drive?" I asked the dude angrily as he getting out his car. I can tell he wasn't in the right state of mind but that didn't stop me from giving him a piece of my mind. "You was tailgating me for 20 fucking minutes I hope you kno-" as I was raising hell he cut me off giving me this stare that I couldn't shake saying "Listen broad I had a long fucking day I'm not in the right mind to deal with your yelling with that hot ass breath you either exchange information or go about your day" He slurred sitting on his car so he wouldn't fall.

I calmed down and for some reason started to feel bad for the poor guy I mean my car wasn't bad but he didn't hit my car I only told him to give me 200 dollars to get my scratch covered he gave me a thousand and just got back into his car. I couldn't let him drive under the influence so what I did was knock on his window.

"What else do you want I just gave you a thousand dollars" he said getting aggravated. I put my pride to the side bending over to the window saying "I don't think you should be drinking and driving how about I go park my car and drive you to your destination?" He looked up to me with his dark red eyes over thinking my question he sighed replying saying "You right".

I went to go park my car in a safe spot and he switched seats and now I was in the driver seat. I adjust the car to my liking, his car was smooth he had a 2017 All black mustang with tinted windows with silk smooth seats and stirring wheel. He gave me the keys leaning his seat all the way back feeling relief from pain in his body and his head.

"What's the address?" I asked him "It's 2215 Stanwood Terrace Blvd " leaning back in his seat he rub his head replying to me. I put the address in and drove off once the light turned green. The man was quiet the whole time during the ride I didn't even try to spark a conversation because it was already awkward that I am driving a random man home after crashing into my car. I didn't know him from a can of beans and here I am being captain save a drunkie that's not even a word but shit it's mines.

As I slowly pull up to his drive way my jaw dropped his home was like the ones you see on lifetime movies like "17 and dead" or some shit. It was a dark brown wooden home with long stain proof glass showing you majority of his home other than the bedrooms and showers. From the outside looking in you can see the blending of colors matching the scenery of the house not many neighbors around. My thoughts got cut off by the GPS saying "You've reached your destination". I woke the man up as he slowly starting to realize that he was home. I ordered me lyft to the his place as we both get out the car I handed him his keys. The lyft was ordered but the arrival time for the driver to come get me and take me back to my car was 30 mins.

The man walked over to me looking down at me while I was looking down at my phone. "How you getting back?" He asked me gently, I responded "Getting a lyft back to my car but it's 30 mins away" I slid my phone in my pocket as he said "Well you made sure I got home safe so how about you just come in and wait for your ride, I promise I won't bite".

Feeling like I was being a leach I replied "No I'm ok I'll sit out here" he looked at me like I was stupid chuckling saying " Man come on I said I won't bite and if I was a predator you ain't even my type frfr" I got offended like I'm not a bomb ass chick. "You ain't even had to go there I'll come inside" I rolled my eyes walking to the front door as he followed laughing at my response he open the door allowing me to walk in first following in right after me.

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