Baddest Girl Around

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The next morning I was up folding Aalia clothes as she slept in my bed and cleaning up everything else we missed last night. I am a early bird so I like getting up super early and clean up I think I got that from my mom being OCD (Obsessive Cleaning Disorder). I went back into my room closing the door trying not to wake her up sitting on the bed scrolling through the channels with the tv volume on low.

She was snoring a little and I laughed she must've been really tired. I mean I can't blame her after the wild night she had. Loud house was on Nickelodeon I crawled back to the top of the bed watching tv laughing at how I could relate to the little boy on the cartoon living in a house full of people. Aalia woke up and climbed on me resting her head on my chest closing her eyes again. I gently rubbed her back smiling a little. I felt her brushing herself again my dick on purpose and I laughed at little.

"What are you doing?" I said lowly to her. She whined with her eyes still closed saying "I'm horny" she let out a big sigh. "Maybe another time you need to rest" Aalia told me not to hold back my emotions but at the same time I felt like she wasn't ready mentally to handle being attach to another man. And I want her to be ready in every way before we really start getting really attach to each other. So I didn't want to have sex with her unless it was probably in the moment like when I ate her out the other day or if she really really wanted to.

I continued to rub her back as she got up yawning flipping her hair out her face. "I got to count my money if that's ok with you?" She asked. "Yeah that's fine" I said looking up at her as she sat on me. She crawled out of bed and I notice she didn't have the briefs on and a little of her vagina spilled from the shirt.

She walked outside grabbing the three big bags of money coming back in locking the door coming into my room dragging it bumped all the money on the floor tying her hair into a ponytail. "Damn you made all that?" She smiled a little looking at me "Yeah I'm good at what I do." She giggled "Well maybe I should start dancing" we both started to laugh as I rose from the bed sitting at the edge of the bed watching her count.

"So last night before all that happen I had got some crazy news" She started to make piles counting her money fast. "Like what?" I replied looking at the tv. "So the man who own Sweet Wine my boss I just found out is my dad." She took a long deep breath continuing "I always thought that my dad was dead because that's what my mom used to tell me when I asked about him." I frowned my face shaking my head "So what else happen?"

"Well I went to give him the money I owe him every night I dance and he told me he want me to run the club while he gone for a little bit and I said why he said he couldn't trust anyone else and that I was his daughter. That really threw me off so he continue and started to tell me why he wasn't in my life and I told him what dad let they daughter work at a strip club they he own? He said he didn't found out until I was 19 and he didn't think to tell me until now." I nod my head understanding what she was saying.

"Well maybe he sick and dying and wanted to tell you before he passed away and maybe if he is that the club would be yours since you his only child." As she continued to count her money making stacks she said "That's the problem I don't know that.... that man gets around so if he had other children I wouldn't be surprised." I felt my lips getting chapped so I lick them saying "True so did you agree or did you turn him down?" I asked. "No, I agreed maybe this can help me when my shop opens in a couple of weeks. Just the difference is this a strip club and my shop a beauty salon I don't have to worry about people selling drugs out my shop or people shooting or fighting all the time."

"You're right. Ask the security guards to help you out so you wouldn't be alone. I would help but it seems like a family matter." I looked down at her again scratching my head. "It's fine, I wouldn't want you to be in there. It don't seem like you scene anyway plus I don't want to put you in danger. Too much happen down there." I laughed " I thought I was the one protecting you?" I playfully asked. "Well maybe we can take turns" she smirked with a little smile and giggle at the end. "Yeah right, but you hungry?"

PRIVACY - A Keith Powers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now