Your Way

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Next morning.


I got up seeing that Frankie Aalia friend had been hitting me up. I read the text messages and it said "Kofi I'm pregnant" I got shocked dropping my phone. My life was just going down hill I rolled out of bed trying not to wake Saweetie up I grabbed my phone checking Instagram Aalia had posted a picture of her and some dude in a suit grabbing her ass she had on a black see through jumpsuit the man face was cut out but I knew exactly who it was. 

I dial her number hoping that she would answer. I pressed call and the phone rang 3 times and she picked up. "Hello" she spoke through the phone "Hey Aalia can we talk I just need somebody to vent to just as friends if you don't mind" that's when a man voice came through the phone saying "Good morning baby" I hear them kiss and she start giggling and she started moaning "Stoooop Keith I'm on the phone I'm sorry but I don't want to listen to you anymore please just leave me alooneeee" she started moaning again "Fuckk omg keith wait I'm on the phone hello but yeah we ain't friends, lovers, buddies, or none of that anymore you ruined that relationship." She admitted I started to lose my temper and say something when she hug up the phone.

How can she be so disrespectful having that nigga making her moan when she on the phone with me? I know this shit is temporary so I don't know why she trying to front and act like we ain't going to end back together. I heard knocking on the door and it was my brother coming to see me I open the door letting him in.

"What's up boy how you feeling" he asked "Not that great things been terrible" I admitted "You talking about the thing with ole girl" he said referring to Aalia. "Yeah things haven't been the same since that shit on Instagram she been blowing me off for some dude name Keith Powers" I told him sitting on the chair eating a apple. "Damn I was just at her little shop yesterday she ain't see me because it was mad people there but I couldn't tell they were together" he sat on the couch facing me.

"I know she trying to play it like they ain't together but they most likely is he been on the phone with her when I was around when I came to see her at the club he came and we got into a fight and when I just called she was moaning his name" I felt my chest starting to hurt I took a deep breath. "Damn boy you must've really fucked up. She ain't never messed with no other dude so I know this hit home." I agreed with him seeing Saweetie walk into the living room. "hey baby" she said kissing my cheek and going over to give my brother a hug.

"What's up Dee" he said that's when she went over and started cooking. "But anyways other than that I got a photo shoot coming up for Essence Tyra banks suppose to be directing it" he nod his head "Thats a good thing so what you trying to do today?" He asked. "We can go work out and play ball" I suggested. Saweetie turned around "Oo I'm coming" my brother laughed and I said "Okay"


I was kissing up on Aalia trying to make that nigga Kofi mad on the phone. When she hung up she smiled saying "You so petty" and then laughed. "I don't know why you still answer his calls" I said confused. She shrugged "Its been almost three weeks since I dumped him we been together for years it's just hard to let go of someone even after all the things he done to me. I know for sure I'm not getting back with him but I'm still getting used to everything" I understood what she was saying so I didn't stress it. "You keep kidnapping me from my house" she said pouting "Just admit you like being over here" I laughed kissing on her lips softly.

She blushed "Maybe just a little bit" Aalia kissed me back. I checked the time and it was late morning around 10:30. "We need to start getting ready for the show" I told her getting up from the bed "I'm about to get in the shower" she got up coming to me pulling on my shirt I looked down at her "How about we don't waste water and get in the shower together" she winked at me biting her lip. "I like that idea" We walked into the bathroom cutting on the shower she took off her clothes and I couldn't help but notice her tattoo that ran along her whole right side down to her foot.

PRIVACY - A Keith Powers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now