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I woke up to Aalia cuddling up under me naked with the sheet wrapped around her. I kissed her over and over on her soft pink lips until she woke up. She greeted me with a smile giggling "You so corny" she said kissing me back.  I chuckled sitting up I yawned a little as she sat up too covering more of her self with the sheets. "Last night was... fun" she said moving her hair out her face.

I pulled her on top of me still embracing her with kisses. "It was more than fun" I said kissing all over her face. She placed her hands on my shoulders blushing "Keithhhh" Aalia giggled. "What? I just want to show my girl friend that I appreciate her" I said with a smile she kissed my lips one last time. "I have to meet up with this guy who is going to help me with making a website for Melanin you can come unless you're busy?" I was watching Aalia as she got dressed into the outfit she had on last night except the skirt and put my shirt on over the leotard.

"Yeah I have to head to the set of Famous in Love today." She looked down at her phone and she scream in excitement. "What's wrong?" I said getting up. "I enrolled into this modeling show for my models and it's being held in Las Vegas tomorrow that last a week this is going to expand my business. I'm going to have to do live meeting with the tech because I need to go." She said rushing to get all her stuff she kissed me before I could say anything she was out the door.


I ran out the hotel and rushed to my car I unlocked the door getting inside I called Lailah and Mama Lenia (Lailah's mom). I pulled off heading to my house "Hello?" Lailah answered the phone. "Y'all get ready we are going to Las Vegas we got into the modeling show everybody is going to be there so I need y'all and the models ready in 1 hour top and meet me at the shop." I said speeding down the street. Mama Nia came to the phone "Okay were on it see you in a bit" They hung up and shortly I made it to my house when I got in I rushed to my room.

I packed 5 days worth of clothes, packed my makeup, shoes, jewelry, and wigs. I got into the shower washing myself down getting out drying myself off with my towel putting on a pink romper and some clear heels. I applied lip gloss putting my hair into a sleek ponytail to the back.

I booked 6 rooms so me and Lailah can bunk and Mama Nia can have her own room

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I booked 6 rooms so me and Lailah can bunk and Mama Nia can have her own room. I book 10 tickets for first class flights going out to my car locking my house door putting my bags into the back hopping into the car. I caught a lyft going downtown to my shop seeing everybody stand outside waiting for me. I signal everybody to hop into the lyft they all got in and we headed to the airport. I was so excited that this was really happening. I texted Keith telling him I was nervous and he told me not to worry because I got this in the bag.

As time goes by, we boarded the plane and headed to Vegas. I was excited because my plan was working. I won't be working in that Strip Club much longer if this gig goes right. As we landed the flight we got a ride to the hotel.

"Ok guys the event start 12 noon tomorrow whatever y'all do tonight DO NOT and I mean DO NOT be late. I actually want y'all at my room at 10:30am so we can have an head start on what we need to get together." They all agreed to what I said, and I passed out the keys to the rooms and they all went they separate ways.

That's when Laliah came up to me with a weird facial expression. "What's up?" I asked. "So Luke heard about the event from Keith and he actually book an room for me and him at the hotel next door." I shrugged my shoulders saying "Okay just don't be late 10:30am Lailah. I'm serious this is really important to me." She smiled and gave me a big hug "Alright I'll call you in the morning to let you know I'm woke and on my way to your room." I nod my head and smiled. "Okay." I hugged her back and we went our separate ways.

I went up to my room and start unpacking my stuff. I unpacked my laptop and contacted the tech for our meeting I was just in time. "Good afternoon Ms. Aalia, I was afraid you wasn't going to go through with the meeting." He said through the screen. I laughed a little and smiled. "No, I'm sorry I just had an unexpected business trip with my models for this event in Vegas that's why I pushed for a Live Meeting so we can still handle business." I told him, I brushed my head behind my ear and we started to get into details about my website.

About an hour later my site was finished and now up man this guy know what he doing best thing I ever spent my money on. I closed my laptop and got into the shower washing off the sent of the nasty flight off of me. Slowly I start noticing I was missing Keith, he made me feel wanted and needed, like he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world and that's all I wanted from my ex. So after the shower I texted Keith but he didn't respond I guess he was still busy with his show. I put my phone down playing The Weekend by Sza on Pandora. I threw on a plain white spaghetti strap shirt, with some grey sweat shorts, and my all white sandals.

I grabbed my phone walking downstairs into the main lobby when I bumped into Kofi I stumbled back a little seeing how he changed in the past couple weeks. He looked a little stressed out but the look was working for him because his bread grew in a little more and his hair was scruffy.

"Aalia?" He asked I pushed my hair behind my ears. "Yes" I answered him letting him know it was me. "Haven't seen you in awhile how you been?" He smiled a little. "...stress free and building my brand nothing changed in the past few weeks but my stress level." He caught my shade saying. "Mm that's good how ole boy doing? You ain't drop him yet I mean you know your side relationships never last because you always come back to me." He smirked throwing shade back.

"What we had is and will forever be in the past our little childhood crush shit is out the door. We grown and you had me for all those years and still couldn't treat me right Kofi. And as for me and Keith we're fine and just made it official last night before I came out here for my gig. I don't see him messing with my heart like you did so if you would excuse me I have business to handle." I said brushing pass him as he smack my ass saying "That's always going to be mines." Before I turned around and punched him directly in his nose and mouth making his face bleed walking off.

I went outside calling a taxi hurrying inside asking him to drive to the nearest park. I texted Keith again and still was no response I put my head in my hands crying a little because I wish everything was so easy in my love life. Keith is amazing but we in two different lifestyles and already I'm afraid that he would be another Kofi with this acting career and I don't want to go through that anymore I'm trying to give him a chance before letting my emotions decide for me and ruined a good relationship that just started.

Then Kofi my addiction won't just disappear from my life and it's so easy to fall back for him when I know it's the wrong thing to do. He not the one for me but every female always have the one guy who ain't shit and keep running back because you're used to it when you have a good nigga you ruining a relationship with because you want your ex.

Not saying I want Kofi back but even still after a few weeks seeing him open scars from our past and I want to forget them and him.i could've entertained his foolishness but I didn't and I'm proud that I'm learning to let him go.

I finally arrived to the park and I paid the taxi getting out sitting on the bench thinking for a couple hours before heading back to my hotel to handle business and get ready for tomorrow

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