You Vs. Them

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3 weeks later.

A A L I A.

I was at Sweet Wine with Icey we were going over what I had to cover while he would be gone. "Lola I need you to make sure Bobo and Butta are equipped many men in here be carrying guns and I can't have my top guys getting injured." Ice was a short 5'5 light-skin man with a bald head and glassy blue eyes and a nice very groomed beard. He had broad shoulders and walk as if he was in the military before. He was smooth with the ladies and one of the biggest drug dealers and smuggler in LA he was cool with the cops so they never arrested him for his crimes because he sell to them too.

I looked like my mom built like her and everything. I was just taller and a little lighter than my mom the only thing me and my dad shared was a similar birth mark behind our ears. I had a notification pop up on my phone it was The Shade Room and Hollywood Unlock reporting "Kofi Siriboe and Saweetie broke up due to a love child with former stripper Frankie 2Times..... Reporters say she left him for Justin Combs P Diddy Son after finding out about Frankie being pregnant- Read more" I shook my head.

Ice snapped his fingers "Lola I need you to be focus I leave tonight" I rolled my eyes "I'm paying attention" I snapped at him moving my hair behind my ear. "Everything you saying I got it. Make sure the ballers have a section, security check everybody at the door making they pay money up front for private dances, make sure the dancers are on they shit, and etc I know this I've been working here since I was 15 Ice" He sighed shaking his head "I just want to know you going to take care of this place." I frowned my face a little confused "Why you saying it like you not coming back?" I asked.

"I am it's just a lot going on and I need to take of something back in Sacramento I'll be back in a week this club means a lot to me I started this from nothing." I knew exactly what he was feeling so I started to take this serious. "Alright you don't have to worry about nothing." He nodded his head and I grabbed my phone and keys walking out his office going to my car.

Lately things been smooth Keith been working on his show and I've been running my business and trying to get more vendors for the shop and helping Ice with his. I needed a little time for myself I got into my car driving off heading to the mall I haven't been pampering myself.

When I got to Downtown LA I got out my car parking in the lot and walked inside the mall. I went into Fashion Nova store that's where I get most of my clothes. I had my hair up into a messy bun big hoop earrings and lip gloss. Today was my chill day so I didn't really dress up like I always do. I got three outfits paying for them. I then I was walking to Macy's looking for some pretty heels when I felt somebody tap me. I turn around seeing that it was James.

 I turn around seeing that it was James

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(James in the photo above.)

I smiled and he smiled back "Hey Aalia it's weird seeing you here" You can hear the cracking in his voice. "It's the mall it's not that weird I think" I said laughing he laughed too a little embarrassed. "You right, but where you going?" He asked "I was about to go to Macy's to check out their shoes" I told him before he cut off my next sentence "Can I join you? I'm going there too" I shrugged "Sure".

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