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015. ❛ what's the worst way to.

I like to play this game of worst case scenario, and Natasha frankly hates it a lot. But back to the game, I always start with an easy question and slowly they get more serious as we go along. This time around the question resulted in a rather interesting one.

What's the worst way to die in a mission?

And I can't remember how we got to that topic, and none of us wanted to answer so we just sat in silence until someone spoke. But I got me thinking of what is the worst way to die in a mission?Having defeated an enemy but he turns out to be alive and shoots you from behind? Bleeding out and your comms not working? I'll just leave it there before I get dark.

We as heroes sometimes think of each other as untouchables, like death won't touch us. But it's the exact opposite, we are in some crazy situations sometimes that make me wonder how we're still alive. How despite everything we're still standing and pushing forward?

When I started working for SHIELD, they asked me if I would like to sign a DNR sheet. At first, I declined but later that day I went back and accepted it. My mind sort of thought of a scenario if I was dying, or had little chance to none of recovering, why would I want to put everyone I loved through that?

I mean it's nice to have hope and believe in miracles because they do happen, but I hardly believe I'm that miracle.

It also occurred to me what the best case scenario would be, and I can say that dying in the arms of the person that I love would be the best. It would be the only way I'd want to leave this earth. But I'm holding out hope that I die of old age with Natasha by my side as we leave this world together.

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