~Present Day~
It was the first day of school in South Shore High, hundreds of students all scattered and talking from the inside to the outside of the school. This is a new school year meaning new accomplishments and fun. As the bus stops in front of the the school, a 6'2 dark skin male walks out of it with a bookbag slightly hanging of his shoulder. His brown eyes stare at the entrance of the school. The male took a deep breath, "another year in this hell hole..." he mumbles to himself. The male straighten up and walks up the steps of the school. "Hey! Jerome! " someone yelled. The teen turned his head to see the five of his friends walk over to him. Jerome's friends caught up with him, they all greeted each other after a long summer vacation without being able to hang out with each other . "Y'all ready for a new year? " Joseph asked, he was always looking forward to the new year. "Hell no, I'm sick of this school, i just want to graduate and get out. " Marco said with a irritated expression. Jerome's friends continue to chatter while he just sat there and listen to them complaining about going back to school, it's the new year and their junior year in South Shore, Jerome just wanted to get through it with no trouble like last year.
The group of males started walking into the school as they talk to each other, Jerome slowly stop paying attention and was slowly swallowed up by his own thoughts. For some reason a empty feeling that he have been feeling since the fifth grade was growing, how come he is still feeling guilt for something, someone, he can't even remember. As Jerome was caught into his thoughts in the large crowd of students, he haven't noticed that his group of friends and he were separated. "Shit..." he thought to himself, i mean they do have some of his junior classes with him and he did not want to look like a idiot, looking for his class. He looks around for Marco, since Marco is in his first period class. The bell will ring in a few minutes and he doesn't want to be late on his first day. As Jerome goes through the crowd if students, pushing them out of the way to d find at least one person he knows or is a junior. Jerome was then startled by a small bump on the arm.
Jerome turned around to see who bumped into him, based on the force, he's mistaking it as a shove and doesn't feel like being touched since he is already irritated about not knowing where his junior classes are. He turned around, eyes narrowed. "Who the hell was that who have pushed me? " he asked loud enough for the people close to him to hear, but no one said anything and simply ignored him. Jerome turned around but sees a girl who looks like she is 5'5, her face covered by the book that she is reading in front of her. Jerome raises his eyebrow at the girl, she was simply minding her business and probably interested in her book. Then again, she was the only girl behind him so she must've touched him. "Hey, watch where you're going next time. " Jerome said with a slight amount of irritation in his voice, trying to stay calm since she is a girl. The girl didn't respond or anything, she just simply flips the page of her book.
Jerome does not like it when he is unanswered. He took the book from her hand. "Are you deaf? I said watch where you're going. " The girl looks up and looks at him, revealing her golden honey color like eyes. The girl just blinks but nods, then points to her book. Jerome just stares at her and raises his eyebrow, then roll his eyes. "Fine, take the dumbass book." Jerome hands her the book as she takes it, again, her face hidden behind the book. Jerome turns around after handing her book back. ' weird..' he thought to himself. The bell rang and in minutes the hall became less crowded, finally, he can look for his class without anyone in the way and not stuck in between high schoolers.
After two minutes, Jerome found his first class before the bell could ring. His first class is French, Jerome walks into the class, it was quite small with four windows on the left side of the class, letting a cool breeze into the class. Even though the AC is on who could blame the teacher, it is still summer but will be the beginning of fall in two weeks. Jerome took his seat by the window like he always do every year, for some reason, sitting by the window satisfy him. It helps him think straight, not to mention the view outside is a bit nice. He rests his chin on his palm and looks out of the window as students enter the class one by one. The class was soon filled after Jerome's friend, Marco, and two other students walk in and took their seats, Marco sitting a seat behind Jerome. All the students paid attention to the front of the class as the teacher makes her way into the class and in stands in front of them. She is quite a short teacher, the height of 4'11, light skin and slightly chubby with light brown highlights in her afro puff ponytail. The woman seems to be in her mid 30's wearing a blue and white horizontal striped dress and sandals.
"Hello everyone, welcome back for a new year in South Shore. " her soft voice spoke. "Now, I can see all of you were here last year for your sophomore year. I'm surprised to not see new faces here... except for freshmans of course. Well, I am Mrs.Banks." Mrs. Banks said, Jerome barely cared about what she said, but after mentioning "No new faces", he have noticed. Everyone in the classroom were in his sophomore classes last year, he basically know everyone in here. Jerome was actually surprised himself now, how come he have never seen anyone unrecognizable, this is a good school in Chicago so how come no one beside freshmans come to this school. But Jerome simply shrugs it off and looks out of the window, caught into his thoughts. Until his mind snapped. ' That girl...' he thought. The girl from the hallway seems unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time. She's obviously too old to be a freshman and too young to be a senior. But how come he felt like he knew her? ' Who is she? ' Jerome thought as class begins.

Teen Fictionfrom kindergarten to fifth grade, Jerome Smith has been nothing but a bully to a mute girl named Ebony Wilson. But now a junior in South Shore High School, he gets a big surprise to see Ebony again, now wanting to make up his mistakes. Will he m...