Jerome head to his calculus class for 7th period, his 6th period class was gym but nothing really happened except going through class rules like the other classes, so Jerome already knew calculus will be the same. But it wasn't, by the time he walk in there were calculus books on every desk. ' what. The. Hell....' He thought to himself. Jerome just gives a low groan, walking towards a seat in the middle, there was no point sitting at one of the ends in the class, it had no windows.
Jerome simply looks around the class, it is very clean and organized, though it is warm without a ac, disappointing that it had to be summer. The class slowly fills up, the only person Jerome could talk to was Joseph since he doesn't really like everyone else.
As everyone sat down, expecting the teacher to come in the classroom, but instead, they all found out he was in the back of the class the whole time, which was weird since no one saw him. Jerome just simply stare at the strange man, he was quite tall, like he is 6'6. The man was skinny with a bald spot and well dressed and in his mid 60's,and had pale skin. ' If he wanted to, he could act as slenderman for a movie. ' Jerome thought to himself.
"Hello. I am Mr. Gould. And I'll be your calculus teacher for the year. " Mr. Gould said, he was speaking in a normal tone yet somehow he sound like he was yelling that his voice echoed through Jerome's head. "Now before we get to the ru-" the door was slammed open. Causing everyone to look at the direction of the door.
A student, he seems to be a junior as well, he is quite muscular and looks a inch taller than Jerome, he has brown skin and burnt orange eyes. "You're late..." Mr. Gould says plainly yet loudly. "Suck it..." the male said then took a seat in the back. Jerome rolls his eyes, that is Malcolm, he had beef with him since the middle of sophomore year.
Jerome was expecting to have a good year without Malcolm in any of his classes. ' this is gonna be a long year...' Jerome thought to himself. Mr. Gould was a little surprised by the response hew received from Malcolm but shook the feeling off and starts on explaining the rules. After the rules were gone through, Mr. Gould started on the lesson with him facing the board most of the time. Jerome decides to take notes, but while writing he keeps hearing 'Psst, Jerome...' from the back of the class.
Jerome tries to ignore the whisper but it got more and more annoying the more he was called, causing Jerome to put pressure on his pencil as he writes. Then later, he felt a ' snap ' then a rubber band hit his neck. Trying to not get up and jump across the class to strangle the person, he turns his head around with a deadly glare. The person he was staring at was Malcolm. "What the fuck do you want? I don't want to deal with your ass this year. "Jerome whispers angrily. Malcolm just smirks, "I saw you talking to some girl at cafeteria. "
Jerome glares, "What about her? I don't want her." Malcolm whispers, "I know, but if you do... Imma take her like how I took your place last year in the basketball team because of your..."incident. " " Jerome grits his teeth, knowing how much that triggered him, but after mentioning it, Jerome slightly rubs his knee.
Malcolm notices and laughs a little. "Didn't heal much yet? You're such a bitch you can't hide your injuries. Like how your momma couldn't-" Jerome snaps, clenching his fist tightly as his pencil break. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I'LL FUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS IN THIS CLASS!!!!" All the students look at him, wondering what his problem is. Some students scoff because of the awkward silence. "Jerome, calm down. " Joseph said calmly.
Jerome was steaming mad, he just wants to slam Malcolm's head into the wall for talking about his mother's issue when he was young. Jerome clenched his fist then sits back down. The students look at him but paid attention to the front of the class again, Mr. Gould stares at Jerome. "Are you alright young man?" He asked. Jerome just look at him with a glare, but sighs and looks at the wall. "I'm fine..."
Mr. Gould just nods then turns around, continuing the lesson. Jerome's anger was over the meter, he was boiling mad and if he stays in the class for another minute with Malcolm in it he'll surely lose it. Just in time, the bell rung and he was the first person out. Jerome wants to get 8th period over with so he won't snap on anyone. Or even snap someone's neck.
Jerome reaches his last class, chemistry. As he opens the door, he see the tables were all full. ' I'm not even late..' He thought to himself, it was about 30 students and lab tables in the back of the room. Jerome scans the room looking for a desk and he spots one in the right side if the room next to the window, second to last desk. But he also noticed, the girl. She was sitting right behind the empty seat.
Jerome was surprised that's she's actually in a class with him. "Tch! How annoying could this day get..." he mumbles to himself. Having no choice, he walks over to the desk and sits in front of her. The girl notice him until she saw his back facing her, this will be a little problem, he's too tall for her and she'll might not be able to see what's written on the board if she needed to write on the right side. Jerome couldn't help but feel like this is going to be the worst year in high school. First Malcolm is in his 7th period class,now a mute girl who has an attitude and ' claims ' to know him and she's in his 8th period.
Again, rules were explained so Jerome wasn't paying attention again and looks out of the window as the sun was setting, leaving the sky a soft light orange. He was easily distracted at the view and watching a few cars past. "Ebony, are you even paying attention?" The teacher's voice snap, bringing Jerome back to reality. ' Hmm, I've heard that name before.. ' He thought. The teacher was looking toward his direction. Confused, he looks around to see who he was talking to, then his eyes landed on the girl. ' Her name is Ebony? ' He thought. The girl quickly wrote on her board, reading: "I'm sorry, I got distracted. " this convinced him the girl's name is Ebony. The teacher turns back to the board and writes down another rule. Jerome slightly turns his head to her. She notices and raises an eyebrow at him.
Jerome simply stares at her in silence for a second. "So, you're name is Ebony?" He asked. Ebony rolls her eyes and writes on her board, then holds it out to him, reading :"no shit, Sherlock. "
Jerome groans in annoyance. He can tell she's being sassy towards him, turning his whole body around on the chair. "Why are you being such a bitch, what the fuck did I ever do to you... I don't know you. "He protested. Ebony grits her teeth then writes to him, reading: "Wow you really don't remember...well, six years can do that to you... make you look like a complete idiot. " Jerome was now losing his patients, he wants to grab her but they're in the middle of class, surprisingly the teacher didn't even notice them talking in such a big class.
Jerome raises his eyebrow, " Six years...?" Ebony, now irritated because of his lack of memory, writing very quickly and aggressively. Handing him the whiteboard, nearly tossing it at his face, Jerome quickly caught it, giving her a glare but reads: "In fifth grade!!!"
Jerome got tired of this real quickly. "Can you just get to the point instead of giving bits and pieces of what the fuck you're talking!" He slightly yelled, only two students heard him. Ebony just stares then looks down, slowly writing, then hands the board back, reading: "I feel so desparate trying to make you remember... you know what... I won't tell you, hopefully your retarded brain can find out and remember. But I'll show you this..." Jerome looks up from the board with a confused expression. "What? "He asked, Ebony did not respond, but simply lifts her head, showing a healed cut on her lower cheek.
Jerome observes the cut, the size, position, everything about the small cut. ' weird...I think I hit someone there before... and left a scar like that, except real bloody. ' He thought to himself, the memory slightly flashed in his mind but still quite fuzzy.
The bell rung, everyone leaving the class to go home. Ebony got up with her stuff and whiteboard between her arm and her side, leaving the class as he watches her. ' Do I really know her? ' Jerome thought, giving a sigh and looks out the window, the buses stopping in front of the school.
(A/N: hope you're all enjoying yourselves ^-^ in case you're wondering what does Malcolm have to do with anything... well a character must always have an obstacle in a story ^_<)

Teen Fictionfrom kindergarten to fifth grade, Jerome Smith has been nothing but a bully to a mute girl named Ebony Wilson. But now a junior in South Shore High School, he gets a big surprise to see Ebony again, now wanting to make up his mistakes. Will he m...