After going to four of his new classes, Jerome head to lunch to the first floor. Honestly, he didn't learn anything besides school and class rules, it is the first day of school anyway. As Jerome enter the cafeteria, he notices the only changes were the walks repainted and tables rearranged. Jerome notices two of his friends sitting by the table they always sit since freshman year, so he walks over to them and sits down on the third chair on the left side of the table like he always do. "Anyone notice we still have the ugly asses from last year? " Jerome's friend, Xavier mentioned. "I was expecting at least a couple of cute new chicks but guess i was wrong. " Marco said, taking his phone out and reads through messages.
Xavier turns to Jerome, "hey, seen any new faces today. " Jerome didn't feel like answering him so he simply shrugs, leaning his head on the wall. He really didn't want to mention seeing the girl because he don't want it to seem he's over thinking about a stupid lower grade student, but he don't really know what year she's in. Later on, Joseph, Miles, and David arrived and the group of boys had their usual conversations, some even left and come back to get a tray but not Jerome. "Tch. " was the only thing that came out of his mouth, why wonder about a stupid girl he met in the hallway.
It's not just thinking about her effecting him, she seems familiar for some reason, yet don't recognize her. The thought of her golden honey colored eyes is what made him feel confused. ' where have I seen those eyes before?' Jerome thought to himself. Before he knows it, David elbows his arm. Jerome turns his head. "What? What do you want? " he asked slightly irritated. David smirks slightly and points to a corner of the cafeteria, "Look." Jerome pushes his chair back to see what he was pointing to. His eyes widen, it's that girl.
David's pointing caught the other males attention, they all look the direction he's pointing. They all notice the girl, Xavier and Miles whistle at the view in front of them. ' So she is a junior...' Jerome thought to himself, well that thought have gone away, but how does he know her? The girl was sitting at a table in the corner, same book in front of her as she flips the page. The teenage boys talk about how cute she is and wondering who she is, while Jerome stares directly at her, looking at every feature to recognize her, yet still can't remember him. 'I feel so small minded! Tch! I can't remember shit!' He thought angrily. Joseph notices how Jerome was staring at her and smirks. "Just talk to her, man. "
Jerome was startled by the suggestion, whipping his head around and faces him. "No, the fuck! Why should I? " he asked with his eyes narrowed. Joseph just smirks more, crossing his arms. "I see how you looking at her... you want her don't you? " Jerome glares, "I don't even know who the fuck she is, why would i want her? Probably a lame..." Joseph rolls his eyes, "You never know, by the way she cute as hell... just talk to her and be done with it. " he said still smirking. Jerome just glares at him and turns his head and focuses on the wall. Trying to ignore the things Joseph said, but half of him starts thinking it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to her. Jerome feels like he must know who she is in order to satisfy his mind. ".... fine. "Jerome says as he gets up from his seat, then turns to Joseph. "And wipe that smug grin off your face dumb ass."
Jerome heads to the table the girl is sitting by, his friends voices cooing and teasing him slightly dims down as he gets closer and closer to the girl. She haven't notice him walking towards her, she was paying attention to the book in her hand. For some reason Jerome felt uneasy every time he took a step closer to her. Jerome approaches her, standing across the table as she sits on the other side, the girl felt a presence and looks up, her golden eyes looking directly at his brown eyes. She blinks confused and curiously at him. "Um....sup." was the only thing he can think of saying, the girl raises her eyebrow at him, slowly looking back down at her book. That greeting was not good enough for her.
Jerome just stares at her, she look back at the book like he is nothing. Hating to be ignored, he snatch the book out of her hands, the same way he did in the hall. The girl looks up with a shocked expression, looking at him as he looks back at her with a impatient expression. The girl sighs, leaning on her chair, giving all of her attention to him with her arms crossed. Jerome slightly glares, knowing her moments were showing an attitude toward him. The girl raises her eyebrow slightly at him, giving him a hostile expression. "What's with the attitude? You mad about what happen in the hall? You shouldn't have shoved me. "Jerome stated , an attitude shot back at her. The girl gives a silent sigh, gesturing for her book back. Jerome keeps a hold of it. "Aren't you disrespectful, probably why you have no one sitting here with you. "
The girl just glares at him like she's trying to touch his soul and strangle it, she picks up her bookbag. ' Did I irritate her to the point she's leaving? ' Jerome thought but notice her taking out a marker and a small whiteboard. Jerome blinks, confused, the girl starts writing in it, with a bit of force and writes quite swiftly. In seconds, she turns the board around so he can read it. Jerome reads it, it reads: "You're such a dumbass." Jerome was shocked at the remark, about to go off on her, but now that he thanks about it. Why did she take out a marker and whiteboard and write like she can't- Jerome's eyes widen, now feeling stupid. She can't speak a word. She's a mute.
Jerome rubs his neck, "Well.... sorry? " he said unsure since he never apologized for anything but some reason apologized to her. The girl just stares with her arms crossed, giving him the same hostile expression. Jerome notices then crosses his arms. "Why you so mad at me? I didn't do shit except take your dumb book. "
The girl just sits there, looking at him, with a disappointed and also hurt expression, grabbing her marker and writes on the board, Jerome watches her write but can't really see what she's writing until she hands it to him. It read: "You really don't remember...." Jerome just stares at her, now extremely confused. ' what does she mean? ' "What the hell are you talking about? Remember what? " Jerome asked, the bell rung and everyone left the cafeteria, the girl simply gave a sadden look then rights on her board. She turns the board over and it reads: "You haven't changed a bit... Jerome. " Jerome's heart skipped a beat. "How do you...." he looks up and she was gone, now blending into the crowd of students. ' how come she knows me?' He thought to himself, slowly walks back to his table, grabbing his bookbag and heads out.
(A/N: Hello readers ^-^ sorry if this book is boring for you >~<' but hopefully it'll get more interesting in the future I mean this is my first book, hope you'll stick around in the future ^3^)

Teen Fictionfrom kindergarten to fifth grade, Jerome Smith has been nothing but a bully to a mute girl named Ebony Wilson. But now a junior in South Shore High School, he gets a big surprise to see Ebony again, now wanting to make up his mistakes. Will he m...